Pentagon Asked Congress to Fund the Taliban

The sleeping spell is so effectively cast on the populace that the Pentagon openly tries to fund their enemy. This is the sorry state of our world, where the controllers and dominators can openly talk about their messed up actions they engage in... fighting a war where you fund your enemy. What a joke.


The Pentagon often asks for funding, but this case if truly a mockery of the alleged "War on Terror". What kind of war helps to fund the enemy you say you're fighting against? A twisted game of war I would think.

A spokesman for House Appropriations subcommittee on Defense Chairman Peter J. Visclosky (D-Ind.) has told Roll Call that the Pentagon had asked Congress for to refund the Taliban for various expenses while attending peace conferences.

"The Defense Department requested fiscal 2020 funding to support certain reconciliation activities, including logistic support for members of the Taliban and, in March 2019, they sent a notification letter to the Committee on using fiscal year 2019 funds for similar activities."

The spokesperson further added that these funds were to "pay for the terrorist organization's transportation, lodging, food and supplies." Not only that, but the funds would be used to be used in offensive operations against the U.S. The Defense Department's request "would implicate provisions of law concerning material support to terrorists, the Taliban’s ongoing offensive operations against U.S. service members, and their continuing lack of acknowledgement of the government of Afghanistan or the rights of women in Afghan society."

I can't believe the Pentagon asked for that. I thought the war on terror, although bullshit, would at least have the people who are pushing it to be against their enemy, not funding them. Certainly not helping them fund operations against the U.S. This is the mad world we're in right now. Steve Ellis, executive vice president of Taxpayers for Common Sense agrees, as he refereed to the funding request as "life imitating The Onion." It seems like a bad joke, but it's real.

Ellis added:

"Even if you leave aside that they are still conducting operations against our interests and allies, having to pay for someone to be at the table undercuts our bargaining position and demonstrates their lack of enthusiasm for a deal. I’m sure the Taliban would like whatever cash we’re willing to give them, but it’s not like they aren’t able to continue funding their fighting. How about using some of that cash instead of American taxpayer dollars."

At least the subcommittee who made the decision decided against the funding and approved a bill that prohibits reimbursing Taliban expenses. It's not like they need the money to keep the bullshit war going, as they reportedly make $800 million in drugs sales each year.

Tax payers can sleep well again knowing their money is being coerced from them to fund the war on terror and invading other nations, and not used to fund both sides of the war.

It's like a move out of the banksters handbook, like the Rothschilds and others who funding both sides of wars in the past in order to profit no matter who was winning or losing.

Whether it's the banksters of governments, both like to see war continue. Keeping "terrorism" bogeyman alive is one way the dominators can justify keeping a worldwide war going on and invading countries for regime change and resource kickbacks. By funding the enemy, this unreal mad world can keep going the way it has been.


Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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