Politicians and the media are to blame for all the hatred we see between Muslims and Caucasians.


Since January 2019 until 15th of March 2019 there has been 2052 fatalities in terrorism attacks. I live in Norway, and the only attacks I've been briefed about through our mainstream media channels were the attacks on two Norwegian travellers in Marocco and now more recently the awful attacks on Christchurch, New Zealand.


When you have 81 new fatalities 4 days later, and none of these attacks have been highlighted in the western media, I can understand the frustration of some conservatives.. and this does not help in reducing frustration and hate in the right wing of politics.

The politicians and media (which basically is merged with politics today) have a responsibility of this hatred not getting out of control. And by spreading misinformation and highlighting 55 fatalities when over 2100 people have died since January 2019 is in my mind quite tasteless and just nourishes the hate instead of educating people about the real facts of the world we live in.


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