Theresa May NWO Globalist Puppet?

My take on the uk election result is that May Is a globalist puppet and the reasoning for calling the recent election was to deliberately screw the campaign up so that brexit will either be a non starter or a diluted version.

The globalists or NWO puppet masters, selected Mrs May in my opinion after brexit, don't believe me? If you check her background she formerly worked at the Bank of England controlled by the Rothschild banking elites.She was chosen to be a safe pair of hands through the brexit process.

The globalists to bring about their NWO agenda, need a united Europe as one of the global regions they intend to control in the future. They have to remove sovereign states and make a collective block so Britain splitting from europe is not part of their agenda. It as to be stopped and sabotaged.

As soon as May announced the election i said that the odds were way out for a tory landslide it was obvious a lot of remainers would try to sabotage her intentions by not voting tory. I said at the time that instead of a majority more likely a hung parliament would result.

Why would May sabotage her party was my next question by calling the election. In my opinion she is a shrill of the globalists and by calling the election brexit would be derailed because a hung parliament for the reasons above was a high probability.

Once the campaign started i was even more certain that she is a globalist stooge because i have never seen such a poorly run campaign. Firstly she refused to appear in live tv debates arrogance or deliberate to alienate the electorate? I believe this was a deliberate action.

Secondly announcing plans to tax the elderly to pay for care home fees and explaining the policy poorly was in my opinion designed to alienate traditional elderly tory voters,shooting oneself in the foot comes to mind.Why upset your voters unless you want them to rebel against you? I believe this was a deliberate act to sabotage the conservative campaign.

Thirdly whilst Corbyn was doing mass rallies May was going door to door LOL explaining her policies why? Once again to sabotage the conservative campaign.

The Globalists agenda, in my opinion was advanced yesterday, the Uk becoming a sovereign state looks far less likely after today's result. The beat of the globalists New World Order Illuminate agenda rolls on wards "1984" Here we come!!!

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