Who's Bernard Poolman And Why Is He Important In Conceptualizing Equal Money

Bernard left a lot of written stuff to satisfy the curiosity of everyone. I miss the unpredictable input he always represented, but I think he wrote lots in the acceptance that the world will go on without him. To this day, there are some phrases that I don't understand or the processes he described as a practical description of Equality and Oneness in application. Example: http://desteni.org/desteni-material/blog/bernard-poolman-equality-self-expression

This article specifically explains the source everything/everyone originates from and is their master yet bears no authority, Lao Tzu referred to in his book Tao Te Ching.

The Desteni material as the articles from 2007 to 2010 is not only other things that explain specific points, but Bernard's storytelling of his life and the events and his decisions that triggered events in his life - all the relevant bits that someone like me can learn from. If demons and angels did exist, and Heaven and Hell did exist, to me it shows the power of a man or woman being resolute in his/her belief and the sort of havoc a person of beliefs can wreak in the afterlife as Bernard told, but I see it as how a person of beliefs can wreak havoc in trying to make his/her beliefs real in the real world. You see it in the allowance of belief systems that cause people to subscribe to plastic surgery, subscribe to religions all in conflict with each other, subscribe to consumerism in all forms, the consumption of experiences in consuming services and indulging in travel. The implications and the depth of the relationships governing even myself to grow into adults fully embracing the system is obviously not grasped as to the danger in playing with fire as moulding and allowing to be moulded the consciousness of every person. Isn't it most clear in religion right now? How difficult it is to conceive of anything other than the conclusions we grow up with inherited from religion? We grow up with a lot of knowledge from culture, society, and in a westernized world it's difficult to conceive of anything else that is possible aside from the obvious viewpoints and attitudes of the systems related to health, mental health, education, etc.

The modern religion is the westernized society of capitalism and money. Money is treated like an apparently forgiving god when funerals are held. Your next paycheck depends on the viewpoints and opinions of the other person higher up the ladder. Don't even mention how we're all people with ingrained biases and how inconsistent people are brought up and educated, so the person higher up is not at all an evolved being, they're just following their interests. But today, anyone can be bought with money. The moral and practical authority money is assigned is temporary, yet it's real for the moment. But you can imagine, in a Heaven on Earth, where everyone has equal understanding of the policies implemented and the use of money, the equality in understanding would be placed first and not the money. Implications of that strike the pockets of corporations and the conceptual form of corporations would be forced to evolve into a more considerate corporation.

For more discussion on the Equal Money idea and why it's necessary, Bernard Poolman recorded some interviews on Why Equal Money on YouTube. A teaser is there are gazillions of memories of abuse associated with money. Giving a lifetime's supply of money to everyone gives everyone the time to forgive those memories of abuse and redefine their living of their relationship with money.

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