The Deep State is still just the state.

There is a lot of talk about the Deep State since Trump was selected as puppet in chief. There is this idea that Trump is going to destroy the Deep State. I'm going to say it, Trump can't do it even with Congress's help.

The Deep State are the heads of departments of government agencies that don't change no matter who is it office. They push the papers, they do the investigations, they are the enforcers, the trained accounts all the way to trained assassins. The Deep State does the leg work, the dirty deeds. In many cases they are the real power, they are the king makers and king brakers.

They tell the president what his duties are. When any new president goes into there are people in place that he didn't hire or select that know his job description better then him.

If those in the Deep State ever feel in danger they can use blackmail, they lose information, they can kill the kings they select.

The problem is not so much the Deep State it's the idea of the state. The state operates as monopoly of force in a given area. It's all to take from the people and control their actions. This too is an illusion cause if just a small minority fight back it's power is of no effect.

J WooX the SoapboX IMG_0627.JPG

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