The Venezuelan dictatorship invades houses to assign them to other people (private property theft)

 The national housing census has already claimed its first victim in the capital, according to Carlos Julio Rojas, coordinator of the Front in Defense of the North of Caracas. An attempt to invade apartments on Victoria Avenue, where 12 homes alone or occupied by relatives of owners who left the country have been marked, and would be awarded to other people.

"This is the so famous Ubica Tu Casa plan, in which armed groups allied to state entities such as the Mayor's Office of Libertador and protected by the PNB evict apartments and even change locks as happened in the Cuatricentennial building in San Pedro," he said. Rojas explained that the “Maduro dictatorship blatantly violates the private property expressed in article 115 of the Constitution, ensuring that Venezuelans residing abroad lose their ownership status”

 Rojas warned that the neighborhood organization is essential to prevent “this frank violation of private property, in addition to facing the cooperators of the communes who, in the purest style of the Soviet Union and Cuban, mark the empty apartments and call collectives to invade them. "

“There the community must enter as a retaining wall against these abuses using the denunciation and protest to pressure the dictatorship, prevent these illegal takings, defend their rights and enforce the laws.” “They say that living abroad makes you lose the right to property of your home ”

Deliana Arguinzones, neighbor of the building. Four-hundred-year-old reported that upon arriving at his apartment, “two lawyers, a prosecutor and several uniformed police officers were already inside the apartment, who, without showing any credentials, informed me that the apartment had already been assigned to other families and that I should evict him. ”

“This is a vulgar invasion executed by malandros, as is the case of the illegal taking of a hotel in the corner of Puerto Escondido, in this case armed groups allied to a councilman from Caracas, a UPV militant, invaded this space with the excuse of to be executed the Plan Your Home ”.

The member of the National Conflict Platform also explained that the invasions immediately become hotbeds of violence and insecurity, as seen in buildings taken by groups in parishes such as La Candelaria, Altagracia or San José. “Just by seeing the Viasa Tower or the buildings in the center of Caracas, in which the groups turned them into death quills where robberies, robberies, kidnapping homicides and drug trafficking proliferate. It is not only the right to private property but to citizen security and life, ”he said.

 "Thanks to the pressure through the media we managed to stop a vandalism eviction action that were being carried out by officials who identified themselves as the Liquidation Board of the Libertador City Hall," said Emilio Negrín, a relative of some owners affected by these arbitrary measures in the Cuatricentenario property. On the Cuatricentenario building weighs a litigation process that prohibits any type of purchase / sale, rental or adjudication movement, according to information provided by the lawyer who takes the cause, which implies that the eviction practiced by both officials of The Mayor's Office of Libertador as the police officers who accompanied them is “a flagrant crime not only for breaking into these homes where they broke a lock, but also removed the people who inhabit these apartments among which were a senior citizen and two minors who left them in the lime le, ”added Negrin.   

 SOURCE:  CREDITS: Dolartoday

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