Political orientation and alignment?

Lately, I've been watching a lot of Fox, CNN, and MSNBC with the intentions of playing devil's advocate to evaluate what the network's spin aligns with my beliefs. This is my evaluation of the three networks and if anyone wants to comment on what categorization of political alignment it associates, I would enjoy the commentary.

Fox News: Yep, still fear mongering and raging conservatives angry that it "ain't the good ole days" and clearly Sinclair infested.

CNN: Yep, still Conservative News Network. Also the Conspiracy News Network. I feel CNN spins more conspiracy theories with little factual evaluation. Claims to be the Progressive News Hounds, but I feel they aimlessly punt the Progressive ball with little aim to where it lands,

MSNBC: Moderate Schools for Balanced Claims.

I mostly watch the news during night time so the three anchors include Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O'Donnell, and Brian Williams. From the little I do get to see AM Joy, I really enjoy her rhetorical style: calm and resolute. Her reporting style feels determined and flows well.

Rachel Maddow is my favorite to watch: she shows great showmanship. Her segments feel chopped and slammed. She reigns in the power through grand gestures and strong vocal authority. She is the most entertaining host on the network.

Lawrence O'Donnell is stern and deliberate. He asks careful questions and demands strong answers. His reports have an escalation feeling with a nice narrative progressing through the program. My chief criticism, however, is that Lawrence sounds a bit melodramatic for my tastes.

Brian Williams is my second favorite host. His speedy pace brings excitement to the firm voice he uses while reporting. Rather than O'Donnell's start low, get excited, and drift back low, Williams starts fast and blasting. His program keeps you on your toes without striking fear in your mind.

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