Why I want to write propaganda


Let's get this out of the way first. I've always been a solidly grey guy when it comes to morality. Not that I'd act immoral, but there are situations where I weigh the circumstances lighter than most.

That said, I'd love to be a propaganda writer for some terrible dictatorship.

That is objectively immoral. Right? Yet I find myself convinced that the "Someone else is going to do it anyway" argument is valid here. I would certainly still fully reject the notion of spreading propaganda to a pre-dictatorship, but if the people you're reaching out to are already convinced of the story it doesn't matter much who's writing it.

The plus side for me is becoming a historian on the subject of that dictatorship, being able to preserve some of it's true story to be shared if the nation collapses. The propagandist needs to know what's going on in order to know how to spin it to look good. It is a position through which great deals of information pass through.

I wouldn't act as a double agent either. Ultimately if I get caught I get replaced by someone standard. I aim to maintain that position as long as possible to gain as clear a picture of the state as I can.

Ultimately history is doomed to repeat itself, but it's through our knowledge of history that allows us to slow that process. That's absolutely an excuse though. My justification because I ultimately think writing outlandish things and learning fascinating stories is an engaging occupation.

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