United States Corporation Run By Rothschild's & Israel, Part 1

The 911 False Flag was conducted by CIA, Mossad and Israeli Intelligence, along with a complicit Rothschild, Jewish, controlled main steam media. Israelis were arrested on 9/11 and were caught red handed with explosives In their vans, Israelis were seen dancing, celebrating, while filming the event, because they had prior knowledge of the event and even admitted to It In on Israeli television.


The United States Is completely controlled by the Jewish Rothschild Cabal that also created and totally controls Israel and the UK government, European Union and United Nations. The United States Is completely controlled by the enemy Inside the gate, the Jewish, Supremacist, Talmudic, Psychopathic, Pedophile Bankers.

Proof that Jews and Israel run the United States, can be seen when Israeli prime-minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, comes to speak to the Congress three times and gets 29 standing ovations in one go. This Is a disgrace when It Is the US and UK's Sons & Daughters that are sent off to fight manufactured wars In the Middle East. This Is all done deliberately, In a plan to expand the Israeli state In to Greater Israel and rule the world. Israel has two to four hundred nuclear weapons and now has the ability to deliver these anywhere in the world via Dolphin Class submarines, manufactured by the Rothschild run country of Germany. The biggest threat to the world right now Is the Rothschild Banking Cartel and the Israeli State which now has up to four hundred nuclear weapons and 'The Sampson Option.' This option has been stated by Israel, that If Its existence Is threatened, they will destroy Europe and the rest of the world.

The Jewish controlled main stream media constantly whips up propaganda to demonize Iran and create a threat where none exists. Iran dose not pose any existential threat to the Israeli state, Iran's only crime Is Its refusal to bow and do whatever the Jewish State tells It to. Iran will not relinquish Its sovereignty which Is threatened by Israels nuclear missiles. A matrix of power run by the central bankers, the Rothschild Cabal, who through US presidents and UK, European prime-ministers continually propagate this lie that Iran Is a threat. They use the Jewish, Rothschild run mainstream media television channels, such as CNN, Fox News, BBC, Sky News and European news channels to further demonize Iran. We must realize the treasonous nature of the western matrix of power and Identify the prostitutes within this system as the most grave and Immediate threat to all life. This Is by virtue of the fact that the fraudulent script they are reading from, logically concludes with full scale World War III. Indeed I shall conclude that It Is the enemy within, not the fabricated external threats that must be overcome If humanity Is to achieve a just peace on the Earth. If we want world peace we must realize that Iran Is not the threat we are. We have reached a point In human history where our own survival, hinges on our capacity to over-stand the nature of how our world Is ruled.


The challenge however lies In facing the Earth shattering conclusions that all to powerfully collide with our delusions, born out of Indoctrination. Nonetheless here are two truths we must face, the first Is that the United States Government and by default the US Military have been hijacked by nefarious foreign agents, who are using said military to carry out wars of aggression In pursuit of a goal known as 'Full Spectrum Dominance.' Millions dead and maimed as well as twenty two American service men and women committing suicide, on a daily basis, Is just partial testimony to this fact. The second fact we have to face, Is that the American people would of never supported such wars If they were told the truth. Thus the media and so called experts have Incessantly lied, with false flag operations routinely employed to dupe the American public and the west In general, In to self destructive madness of wars that never end until that Is the mushroom clouds rise.


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