Why The Donald Will NEVER Discuss the Jeffery Epstein/Clinton Connection

By Rusticus

Following a raucous weekend of political theater starting with “Pussygate” and ending with an Earth-shattering debate performance by Donald Trump, the Republican Presidental Nominee has, in his own words, removed the “shackles” binding him to run his campaign as he sees fit.

“It is so nice that the shackles have been taken off me and I can now fight for America the way I want to.” – Donald Trump

Taking aim at the remnants of the imperialist Neoconservative “Old Guard” of the GOP as well as the virtually indistinguishable “Clinton Machine,” Trump supporters are being gleefully treated to the campaign they always sought – a no-holds-barred cage match in which Clinton crimes and corruption, which have remained unaired by MSM for decades, are finally brought to the fore.

And like every good “Sunday Night Smackdown” worth televising, there has to be a bit of pre-production in making sure the performance goes off without a hitch; like a right hook from Hulk Hogan, the effect of the punch must be believable. Occasionally, that means pulling your blows a bit less than usual to sell the performance, but to genuinely damage your opponent is frowned upon by the performers as well as their bosses.

The Vince McMahon of this analogy is none other than the Deep State, carefully managing what controversy is fit for public consumption and what remains unaired. In this author’s recent article, The Donald and the Deep State, Trump’s friendly (and in some cases, business) relationships with documented players in the Intelligence-run drug and arms trade is demonstrative of this dark hand of Deep Politics at work.

It’s why The Donald can never broach the topic of Mena, AK in polite company or the Clinton’s integral role in shipping wholesale amounts of cocaine into this country during Bill’s time as Governor of the State. Such a conversation would be equally uncomfortable for both parties involved.

For those hoping the revitalization of the “Bill Clinton Rape” meme and the 42nd President’s documented debauchery will culminate in revelations of high-level political pedophilia, a-la Jimmy Saville, can The Donald deliver a knock-out blow? Or is the Clinton/Epstein Connection, like The Mena Connection before it, a blacklisted news item?

Of course, Bill’s credible relations with elite pedophile and general cretin Jeffery Epstein are a matter of record, a relationship that the American people deserve to know more about. As the New York Post recently reported on James Patterson’s new book entitled, Filthy Rich: A Powerful Billionaire, the Sex Scandal that Undid Him, and All the Justice Money Can Buy, Clinton was far more than a casual acquaintance of Epstein:

“Epstein has spent the bulk of his adult life cultivating relationships with the world’s most powerful men. Flight logs show that from 2001 to 2003, Bill Clinton flew on Epstein’s private plane, dubbed “The Lolita Express” by the press, 26 times. After Epstein’s arrest in July 2006, federal tax records show Epstein donated $25,000 to the Clinton Foundation that year.” – NYPost.com

Surely the Trump campaign is planning to take advantage of this bombshell information! The President of the United States jet-setting around the world with a convicted sex offender on a plane nicknamed after a book and film about pedophilia are undoubtedly too damning to leave untouched.

Yet the very next paragraph of the Post story in question reveals why Epstein is destined to remain an untouchable figure in this (s)election cycle:

Epstein was also a regular visitor to Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago, and the two were friends. According to the Daily Mail, Trump was a frequent dinner guest at Epstein’s home, which was often full of barely dressed models. In 2003, New York magazine reported that Trump also attended a dinner party at Epstein’s honoring Bill Clinton.” – NYPost.com

Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach is quite the happening place; not only is it alleged that the Saudi arms dealer implicated in Iran-Contra, Adnan Khashoggi, used the Trump property as a hideout while on the run from INTERPOL for looting a bank in Thailand, it’s now revealed to have been a popular hang-out for Epstein as well. Keeping the company of rapists and war criminals, in some cases the same criminals your political opponent rubs elbows with, is hardly a topic Trump wants introduced into the public consciousness.

Just as the Deep State would like it.

Even for the most fervent believer that The Donald’s hypothetical administration will be a positive step in dismantling the machinations of Globalism, one must admit: Trump’s close company in the Deep State drug trade and the Elite ring of sex criminals they employ is becoming a bit too close for comfort.

Source: Stateless Homesteading and reposted through Journalistic Revolution

My name is Jeffrey Hann, @jeffreyahann, and I'm an anarchist/voluntarist, Army veteran, business analyst, graphics and website designer, and content creator. I have a passion for truth and being logical, which eventually lead me to anarchism. I strive to live my life through voluntary actions and valuing rights. I co-own Journalistic Revolution (Facebook and YouTube) and JRev Radio (Facebook). We strive to be a factual and honest open sourced news organization. I can be found on Facebook or Twitter.
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