The War in America


The war in america is done in our face . We struggle to exsist, to make our voices heard. Our government is not for the people of the country.

Police issues: How do we get the police to put down the guns and pick up non lethal ways of stopping mentally ill citizens and citizens who are fed up with the lack of help and resources?

The war on drugs: This is a never ending war started by our goverment, With the lack of resources and jobs we do what we have to in our country. The goverment spends more money on wars than its own people.

We as a people have learned we do not have a vote that matters mearly a suggestion box full of paper to burn in the furnace that keeps our goverment warm and smittin.

Will things change? Only time will tell, but our time is running short on patience.

I hope for a better future for our children every day.

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