The Truth About Yemen Comes Out in the US House! And Still the Politicians Vote in Favor of Genocide...

Congressmen speaking truth & the political games the puppets play in order to keep supporting evil war crimes in Yemen

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After years of US total support of the murderous Saudi Kingdom's genocidal war on Yemen, the US Senate has finally passed a resolution to halt this US support of the Saudi Coalition's senseless war of aggression on Yemen, in a 56-41 vote. Hooray! Right?

Well, despite the demands to end US involvement in the war on Yemen, the resolution yet contains a major loophole and does in fact allow continued US military involvement in Yemen and support of the Saudi Coalition, in the name of fighting al-Qaeda - which they are coincidentally kind of already doing. So despite the apparent wonderful aims of this resolution, there is little hope that if it were to pass that it would in reality bring US foreign intervention in Yemen to an end, especially considering the US propensity to use the mantra of 'fighting terrorism' as a false pretense to 'justify' a foreign intervention which in fact has entirely different goals. Case in point: US intervention in Syria in the name of 'fighting ISIS' when in reality the goal all along has been regime change in Syria and the toppling of Iran.

Despite the downfalls of this Senate resolution, it is still obviously a start in the right direction, especially considering the nearly complete Congressional silence on the US-backed Saudi atrocities in Yemen in the past; however the House has now banned itself from even debating or passing this resolution aimed at halting US intervention in Yemen while the current Congress is in session, so the resolution has no hope of passing the House and going anywhere for the rest of this year. In an extremely deceitful fashion, the Republican House leadership snuck this ban on discussion of the Yemen resolution and a suspension of the War Powers Resolution in regards to Yemen into the completely unrelated Farm Bill!

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And my oh my were some of the Representatives angry about this, even fellow Republican Thomas Massie. After hearing the pleas of the dissenting Congressmen in the House, one thing becomes clear: Congress is fully aware of the evil which the US military in supporting the Saudi Coalition's war on Yemen is knowingly engaged in - the mass slaughter of innocents, particularly children. One could say that the bare truth about US involvement in Yemen and the greatness of this evil was put in front of the House of Representatives during the debate on the rule which would allow the vote on the Farm Bill. I must say it is refreshing to see more than one Representative stand up, exposing and uniting against the political games and agenda of the imperial war machine. The following highly recommended compilation of clips on this debate from C-Span was put together by The Last American Vagabond (@tlavagabond):

Above, Thomas Massie does an exceptional job exposing the Executive's systematic violation of the War Powers Act on top of exposing the deception of adding this war language to the Farm Bill. Several Democrats also made persuasive appeals to their fellows to block the rule in order to block the Farm Bill in order to block the sneaky neocon ban on the War Powers Resolution in regards to Yemen. They accused the Republican leadership of using these deceptive methods because these warmongers fear a bipartisan rejection of US support and military engagement in Saudi war crimes against the Yemeni people.

"What cruel irony that this rule, dealing in part with too much food in America, will deny food to millions in Yemen," Representative Lloyd Dogget (D-TX) said in the debate on the rule on Wednesday. "In that remote corner of the world of which most Americans know little, 85,000 children have already died, and another 12 million people are on starvation's brink. This very day, more children will die of starvation and disease," he added. "The bottom line: Our tax dollars are going to starve children! Suffering is rising, American bombs are still falling. When the Saudi Coalition attacked a school bus killing 40 little children, scrawled on the remains of the bomb were words which meant 'Made in America,'" the Congressman argued.

These are just a sample of the many powerful words of truth spoken on the House Floor in condemnation of the active US role in the Saudi slaughter of Yemenis, surely more than enough to sway the House to block the rule, one might think. No, and once the Farm Bill made it past the tight rules vote to the floor, the House voted overwhelmingly in favor of starving millions of people they've never met, who've never done them harm, and in support of the continued dropping of American bombs on innocent Yemeni children. The House voted 369-47 in favor of American tax dollars being spent to aid in the Saudi genocide of Yemen by helping to starve an entire people. The House knowingly and intentionally voted 369-47 in favor of mass murder, slaughter, and genocide in a country most Americans can't even find on a map, in order to pass the popular bipartisan Farm Bill.

Having passed the Senate the day before, the Farm Bill now simply awaits President Trump's signature, and we already know based on previous comments that this president opposes the withdrawal of US support for the Saudi regime in regards to Yemen - it would be too costly for the American economy to lose those multi-billion dollar weapons contracts, Donald Trump has argued on several occasions in the past few months.

(Two peas of the same pod: President Donald Trump shakes hands with murderous Crown Prince MBS.)

That's political bipartisanship well at work. There's far more than 47 Democrats in the House and a large number of them refused to vote against the Farm Bill despite the open knowledge of the War Powers Resolution suspension it also contained... Five democrats had also previously voted explicitly to endorse Saudi genocide by voting for the rule in what ended in a 206-203 vote which pushed it to the floor, so yes the Democrats could have stopped this madness but five chose to endorse genocidal war over ending US support of the mass starvation of Yemen! So don't expect the incoming Democratic majority to make any difference on this matter when they take power in January come the new year. Yes, this is what true bipartisanship looks like, with no end to any of the perpetual wars waged by the US in sight, no matter how opposed the American public is to said war.


That's politicians for you, caring more about getting a 'mandatory' bill passed than about stopping the #1 humanitarian crisis in the world. Caring more about their image or success or their donors than they care about human life. That's politics for you, and that's why politics will never solve human problems. Only humans can solve human problems. Politicians are snakes. They don't care about humanity. Never have, never will. There are the exceptions of course, like Thomas Massie, but they are not enough to prevail against the evil political system itself which is corrupt to the core.

If it wasn't clear already, this debate and the following vote says everything that needs to be said about Congress. They don't care about the People, they don't represent the People, and they don't listen to the People. With the Yellow Vest protests going on in France the past few weeks, I can feel revolution is in the air. Whenever Americans decide enough is enough - enough tyranny, endless war, and perpetual debt to the international bankers - the answer is one simple step away. Peaceful, nonviolent but popular revolution against the political system, the corporations, the MSM deceptions, the foreign bankers these all do serve, and the so-called 'laws' (codes) which have enslaved us all.

There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part. You can't even passively take part! And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop! And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it — that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all! - Mario Savio, 1964

The politicians are snakes, the elite bankers running things behind the scenes are greedy and power-hungry psychopaths, but most humans still have their humanity. And together we who are awake all cry for peace and freedom: "Hey governments: STOP KILLING OUR FRIENDS!", and it seems that so far they have still not heeded humanity's demand, our desperate plea, our declaration of world peace and freedom. But soon enough they will be forced to listen, with the number of warriors for peace and freedom growing every day, united against the Cabal of international bankers enslaving us all. Beautiful and powerful song below, Stop Killing Our Friends by @lyndsaybowes:

Peace, and I'm out. Hope everyone has a great day! Here's to the end of American world terrorism on Yemen, and the evil politicians who make it possible.


For further, related reading:
They Could Save the Planet, Why do They Choose to Starve it? The Right Question Gets You Half Way to the Right Answer...:

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