if you realize how bad republican policy is, you are half way there...

you know what is going on when you see that both of the major parties are in this for the money, and that the most money they see comes from war. claiming it to be a republican issue (framing democrats as the better of the two) is not only short-sighted, it is wrong, obviously. obama = 2012 ndaa, 2015 = 12,000 drone strikes in syria, these are not insignificant numbers. dakota access pipeline...well, 'let's just wait and see how that plays out'...that was literally the democratic presidential response to the issue. pretending one corrupt institution in better than another, when they are the exact same corrupt institution, serves only the corrupt institution. pull your head out of the american 'go my team' ass and start learning about candidates, then voting for the ones you actually like. for instance, if one voted for clinton or trump last election, they are personally guilty of wanting to kill children in yemen. either they knew it and didn't care, or they were willing to remain clouded enough in their knowledge of politics that such death was meaningless to them. i am not saying they don't have the right to vote for that. they do. but don't try and pretend that the democrats, who went along with a 700 billion dollar military budget just this year, are any better, or even a different animal, than the republicans. they are equally vile, at least if one considers killing children to be vile. dr. jill stein has made abundantly clear; she finds it vile. an easier way to say this is that my candidate wants to close all our external military bases and stop undeclared wars. democrats and republicans exist solely because of them.

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