IDGAF What People Think Anymore


By Hope K

I'm going to tell you about some of the "controversial" things I believe. I put quotes around the word controversial because most of the time I have no idea why these things are controversial. And I really don't care if people disagree with me.

I invite you to join me. Who cares what people think. I'm so over that. How bout you?

  1. I don't care who you voted for. If you're in the USA and you voted for Hillary Clinton, I'm going to think that's odd, but whatever. As long as you're not a creep or a criminal, I don't really care. I have a good reason for not caring, and that takes us to...

  2. Voting in US elections (and probably most other countries) is a sham. It just is. Those machines we use are hackable, and the whole process is rigged anyway. Therefore, it doesn't even matter if you vote at all. If you can't understand this, I can't help you.

  3. The fake news scare is ridiculous. We've always had fake news. What do you think Ancient Aliens or the Enquirer are? I take that back - the Enquirer has broken some juicy scandals. It's probably more reliable than CNN. So I'm going to read whatever I want and decide on my own what's fake and what's not because I'm a big girl now.

  4. The Russian collusion narrative is stupid beyond belief. We should be fostering relationships with other countries, not demonizing them. This is obviously about some shady corporations & oil & shit. If you fall for the Russia BS, I'm going to think you're stupid, too. And I don't care what you think of that.

  5. War is about profit. It's never humanitarian. What is humanitarian about bombing people? Get real. The military is supposed to be there to protect us, not to invade other countries or to pillage them. And that is exactly what the US military and its complex are doing. Got a problem with my thinking that? Guess what. IDGAF.

  6. Trump is neither your savior nor your worst Nazi enemy. If you think either one of those things, you are brainwashed and need to deprogram. All presidents are puppets, and that brings us to...

  7. The world is run by the Shadow Government. The leader of your country is just a political celebrity with very little clout. The people who really run the show stay behind the scenes. Their whole existence depends on this. Think I'm a conspiracy theorist? I know it's true, so look at the title again. ^

  8. Your government is lying to you. You can bet on that. The people that run it think you have the mental capacity of a 5-year-old and run the place like a bad kindergarten. It's all about control, and honesty is not for little kids. In the USA, the mass media don't even tell the people we're at war in - I don't even know how many! - countries. And the corporate media and the government are practically the same thing, which is fascist.

  9. Schools are just babysitting & brainwashing. Those people DGAF about students. Get real. They care about their salaries and benefits. Teachers are middle class and administrators are upper middle class in the USA. They are not poor and they get months off during the summer. Quit feeling sorry for them and don't trust them around your kids. Got a problem with my writing this? I am an ex-schoolteacher who does not give a damn.

  10. Doctors are good for prescribing antibiotics and setting broken bones. That's about it.

In conclusion, my advice to you is to keep out of trouble and watch your back. And most importantly, if you want to be free, stop caring about what other people think.

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