Grottbags - Rallying the Troops (One Final Push)

So drawing to conclusions as last days before #GE2017, most of the people who support Torys have businesses which benefit under tory reign. So yes, understandable support.

But, i think biggest question to ask selves before we tick that box is, "what are we voting for?"
Are we voting selfishly? small-scale perspectives, our own wealth and fortunes, only ourselves and friends?
Or are we voting on bigger perspectives? looking at big pictures, thinking of whole country, young peoples/educations etc...

Out of all of this political psychology, my main fascination lies in these realms - How are people seeing the world.
This is what will impact the votes the most.

Brexit surprised the world. It surprised Tory's so much David Cameron ran away!

The heart of the people is a fickle thing. People can change in a blip should something dramatic occur. With Great Britain under attacks it makes one wonder how this effects the mindsets of people, how this changes their hearts/votes.
The psychology between the rich and the poor has been an historical journey throughout time, for as long as mankind has existed. But the value of what is rich or poor alters throughout time/societies.

It is times like this that make or break people. It is times like this that all people who have no crowns on their heads should gather together and ultimately decide what is right for them, their families/friends, the world.
Everyone must be thoughtful and reflecting upon all perspectives, past/present/future, young/old/new.

You cannot claim a vote simply for your own gain. Yes you may end up living a rich and happy life for yourself. But, is that life worth anything if those who surround you suffer? What about your children and their friends/connections? Is your vote going to ensure they will also be cared for/nurtured? Is money everything that matters? Or is there more to life? More to our future?

Should you judge a movement of the majority, based on the looks or past deeds of a single individual? Or should you be looking for a bigger picture? How likely is it, that one annoying person, who makes part of a good team with good ideas, will ruin the entire country? That person looks horrible or you dont like their face... does that count for a reason to sway your vote? Should it?!

From months of extensive research I have come to realise that every good brain out there wants the same thing. We dream the same dream.

The only thing that stands in the way is the manipulation of what society has already placed within our minds. But this "only thing" is a big! deal. It could end up drowning us evermore if we are not strong enough to realise the big pictures of the globe.
In my heart and soul I hope we all go with our guts, the good brains will always win if you listen to them!

All we can do now is love and support each other, no matter what, despite our indifferences. We have a chance for changing Great Britannia, changing the world! There is always a chance. I hope it is now!

Snydy actions and greedy ways could still ensure the majority have no power - just like kings/queens/church-heads vs peasants/everyone else in the black and white days.

But remember, no matter what happens on election day, all of this has brought us all closer together one way or another. All of this has made us learn about each other. That in itself is a massive human achievement to cherish. And that in itself is all the fuel good brains need to progress.

So whether we win or lose against the evils that await, we will all be around to fight another day. Try another time. Do the best we can!

I love you all Great Britain Heads! Stay smiley!


The Labour Party / Liberal Democrats / Green Party / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Conservatives (uuurgh)

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