Geppeto and his Trump - The Card

Caricature courtesy of @juniorshelver

As Donald struts around the world stage, shocking all with his outlandish acts of disastrous potential, he seems oblivious to the strings which bind him to the true purpose of his 'makers' who use him to hide the true developments in US and world governance.

While his actions threaten every human on Earth, he provides every comfort for the elite, who delight in the destruction of humanity at large, as part of the master plan for the reformation of the planet once the uncontrollable masses are reduced to 'prudent levels', the strife between nationalist interests are eliminated and the choices for the future can be made by those who are 'bright enough to be worthy to make them'.

Ducky's real function is to ensure that all marvel and support his promises to "make America great" or revile and rail against his obscene disrespect for humanity's rights as he fosters existential disaster, so that the media is full of everything which is of little consequence to 'real progress', which will not benefit us in the least.

Insane Clown President - Wikipedia


His most important attribute is his craziness. Crazy demands attention while normal is ignored. This is the current phase of the program to transform society into a powerless entity which can be controlled by a minuscule minority elite.

The real agenda must remain a conspiracy theory to those who hear of it, a conspiracy theory hatched in the minds of marginal idiots. If the truth were believed, it would be replaced almost instantly as the 99% of the world's population reject the fate in mind for them, for the benefit of the fraction of 1 percent.

The US population have gone from a free society, to one in which one needs permission to :

Collect rain water
Grow vegetables
Sell products
Offer services in any trade
Build or renovate a home
Own a Weapon
Get Married
Protest or redress Government
Buy medicine
Administer medication for one's own health
Produce any health enhancing product
Or do almost anything

in which one has

No right to privacy
No freedom of speech, unless it is in accordance with the elitist ideals
No right to pray in public
No right to develop new and improved methods unless they conform
No right to due process, except when it suits those who dictate all through coercing government.
Taxes upon taxes upon taxes
Pesticides, colorants, preservatives, genetically modified organisms, antibiotics, bleaches, arsenic, cyanide, fluoride and many other toxic substances in our food, all for profit and other unthinkable agendas.
No real cures as cures are not good for profit, with hosts of suppressed cures and trails of murderous obliteration of the saviors who dare to offer help to those suffering from cancer, Alzheimer, dementia, Parkinsons, diabetes, ACS and a host of other curable yet extremely destructive conditions.

There is nothing free about being a free-range Human, enslaved by an economic and monetary system based on slavery by debt in the form of a fractional reserve money supply in which interest on all supplied money is paid to an organisation which does not belong to the people.(The Federal Reserve)


A system in which civil and human rights are systematically removed by terrorism and false flag operations designed to drive us to beg government to remove our rights in the interest of safety. All despite a world history replete with examples of these tactics as used by the most infamous despots.

The power of modern media to effect extreme mind control through a program of consistent threat via fake news and false flag terrorism and empty promises designed to subtly persuade a population to accept incremental encroachments on the morals, ethics and liberties is mind boggling.

While the attention of the public is centered on the comedy of Trump, the likes of Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are tirelessly working to ensure that every population benefiting aspect of government is abolished and the control of the Power Elite (not be be confused with the book The Power Elite) is assured. These atrocities include the propagation in stead of stemming of environmental pollution, downgrading rather than enhancing health care and social security, workers rights, consumer protection and every other benefit.


As humanity is on the brink of losing the ability to save the ecology of the planet, including the very existence of humanity, Donald Trump is not only withdrawing from world efforts to curb further destruction of key functions of our ecology but is actually proudly investing in the very technologies which are precipitating the most certain existential threat the world has ever faced. The meteoric catastrophes of the past do not compare and Earth will share the fate of Mars with its lifeless landscape unless this destruction is halted.

The other way in which we may reach that point even sooner, might bring on this same result or at least destroy the world as we know it is nuclear Holocaust, which Trump appears to be aiming for, if his actions are anything to go by.

These are the things we should all be aware of, focused on and motivated to change, accepting nothing less than an immediate about turn on both of these dire situations.


The Doomsday Clock, established by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists has been adjusted to 2 minutes to midnight in light of these factors and this is effectively the opinion of the worlds leading scientists in the field, who have indicated that opinion through maintaining the 'clock' since 1947.

As Noam Chomsky has indicated, no human or organization, religious fanaticists or otherwise in human history has ever acted in a fashion seemingly moving toward the annihilation of life on earth. Hitler for example had the opposite intentions.

Donald Trump is at the head of the most dangerous organisation the world has ever seen, the Republican Party, as Chomsky sees it.

I believe the Power Elite are further removed from public view and the Republican Party is a tool, as is the Democratic Party. Their power however extends across the globe through US interference and manipulation in countries in Africa, Asia, South and Central America over many decades.

Trump and the rest of the politicians are pawns on a chessboard, on which Humanity as we know it plays White - with a blindfold and the Power Elite plays Black, with their evil maxim " All for us and none for everyone else".

Political rivalry occurs on the White side of the board and is perceived and utilized by the Power Elite to keep us engrossed in inconsequential matters including sport, political rivalry and the religious conflict, while the Diabolic Power Elite goes about the "intelligent" agenda of transforming this planet into a well functioning environment in which they can live forever through brain downloads, genetic engineering and organ regeneration, without opposition in decision making and with a half billion human slaves to do the work, having culled the rest with weapons of unthinkable nature.



Attribution :

The works of Noam Chomsky and his March 2018 Address
The works of Carrol Quigley
The works of Cleon Skouzen
Rusty Nelson by Michael Corbin
Google Images - with reuse rights

and @juniorshelver - The caricature.

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