What is Dadaism?

Dada, is a course in the culture and art that emerged during the years of the First World War. It is protest against the barbarity of war, against erotism and intellectual slack. Dada defends the foolishness and denies the arts of the past. This is the most radical act of the avant-garde of the first half of the twentieth century. It originated in Zurich in 1916 and existed until 1922. Almost at the same time, it has its manifestations in New York, and subsequently spread to Berlin, Hannover, Cologne and Paris. The creators of the Dada are poets, philosophers, artists, dancers and cabaret artists from different parts of Europe seeking salvation from the raging World War I in the capital of neutral Switzerland or beyond the ocean.

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Dada emerges in the Zurich Cabaret "Voltaire". The movement also links the names of Hans Arp, Max Ernst, Raul Hausman, Hannah Hohe, Kurt Schniker, Georg Gross and others. The name "Dada" was randomly taken from the dictionary, while Ball and Hülsenbeck sought the title of one of the performances in the cabaret. Tristan Tsara use this title for the magazine he publishes and gives the name of the entire movement. They accept it because the word exists in different languages ​​with different meanings (such as: child's horse, baby talk, positive response, etc.).

Tristan Tzara - To Make A Dadist Poem

Take a newspaper.
Take some scissors.
Choose from this paper an article the length you want to make your poem.
Cut out the article.
Next carefully cut out each of the words that make up this article and put them all in a bag.
Shake gently.
Next take out each cutting one after the other.
Copy conscientiously in the order in which they left the bag.
The poem will resemble you.
And there you are--an infinitely original author of charming sensibility, even though unappreciated by the vulgar herd.

How to talk Dada?
The tongue of a given can be joined in any language. It's very easy to use, for example, you can change the first letters of two words that follow one after the other or the letters themselves
Example: "Hello, how are you? "
it will become "Yello, how are hou?" you can do it as you please. You can also change the words themselves, for example, "play - yapl", and so the names are "Dostoevsky - Yovskosted". You must speak the words as quickly and meaningless as possible, you must not observe any tone and accent. What is the benefit of such a way of speaking? you need to think twice before you say a word - you develop your mind. You can use the language as an encrypted language for communication between two or more anarcho-nihilists to achieve unity and nobody else to understand you.

So let's ruin our language and speak the language of Dada!

A person gives blank flyers. "But why there is not written anything in them?" - ask the people. "Everything is clear!" - the man replies.

Dada is an absurdist current that has no plastic program. It is an "indulgence." It is based on the denial of all Western culture and values, denies all myths as well as itself. There is a pronounced anti-utopian character. Appears in danistic performances and acts that scandalize the audience and radically cross the boundary of good taste. In formal terms, in addition to dasistic behavioral acts, emphasis is placed on the collage as a means of expression. An important feature is the inclusion of the photomontage. This principle is borrowed from cinema by the Dadaists. Also for the first time photography here is set equal to all other media in modern art.

An important role is played by Marcel Duchamp. In 1917 he took part in the first exhibition of avant-garde European artists in New York. It shows for the first time its "redemed" forms - a bicycle wheel and a bottle stand. Dada's revolution is largely reflected in the belief that the artist is not the creator of aesthetic values. He is a person who questions society, not answers. Dada has a general anti-commercial character - the author's idea is more important than what he presents as a work. The destructive concept of movement in terms of material dimensions of culture puts it at the beginning of the conceptual tendency in the art of the twentieth century.

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