The Ugly Facts About Black-on-Black Racism a reply to Stefan Molyneux


False premises and flawed thinking? One of the major problems with this conversation is that the participants don't seem to understand the difference between prejudice and racism. Not one time in this long conversation did I hear the word prejudice mentioned. Because of this, an incorrect thinking process has taken place. Racism may proceed out of a prejudice mind but those thoughts have to be acted upon in order for them to be racist. One would think that the participants would be cognizant of this and thereby demonstrate caution when using these terms.

The next point of contention is the use of the terms black and white when referring to individuals or groups. I am going to make an assumption here that may be incorrect, but I assume that both individuals are college graduates. I will also be force to assume that they must have forgotten their primary education. Which teaches the color spectrum. I do not have to have clear vision to tell that the person on the other end of this conversation is brown man. But from this point on, I will refer to him and others as a (so called) black man or (so called) white man. I understand why it could be hard for some so called white people to talk about racism. And as the moderator stated it is the memory of past events, and even if a (so called) white person would never think of anything remotely on the level of past events they are still felling of group connection. I have given this some thought as to what has happen in so (so called) white people in regards to this.

In the conversation the moderator make a request that (so called) black people. This request has much merit and is at the root problem. If I'm not mistaken the request was made because of the understanding that this is abuse. A correct assumption. What is fascinating is that this type of thinking never gets taken to the next level. People who are abused become abusers (unless they resist it). When I talk to people about racism I make an effort to remind them about the conditioning that occurred in Europe. Most people reply to me stating " What has that got to do with racism they are all (so called) white people?) My reply to them is "that is correct but they had a cast system, were more than 95% of the people were on the lower rung.People who are abused become abusers and I'll leave it at that. How ever the problem with not thinking about it is that as the saying goes "Those who forget the past are doom to repeat it".

The problem in question requires a multidisciplinary approach. One of the discipline is relatively new and is called "Epigenetics" which basically it states that one genetics is formed by the external stimuli. So maybe we should (without prejudice) contemplate the condition in the communities in question have been existing with and not the red herring of I.O. test.

I.Q. test can only tell one how well adjusted individuals are to the education/indoctrination the system has provided. I made a reply to a statement the post "A Current Narrative That Is Popular in The Media is that the United States National Anthem is White Supremacist... Really? I'm going to look as I write this." where this statement was made by a reader I quote "They think its cool with the whole black power stuff. Their parents actually had something to fight for, and blacks got every rights the white man had. But he couldn't do anything with it. 50 years later and they are just *ucking up what their grandfathers fought for."

(Another needed discipline would be a fact based history!)

My reply to his was and I quote

"This comes from not knowing American history you probably would say that about the (so called) red man if there were enough of them left to make a difference . Most (so-called) white people think after the civil war (so-called) Black people where free to do what ever they felt they needed to do. This is far from the truth! The KKK was still in effect, and if I am mistaken please correct me. The (so-called) Black people were given the right to govern themselves but was quickly taken away, there were Jim crow laws that were in place up until the mid 1960 s. Also in the 50 there was redlining a bank policy that made it impossible for(so called) black people to get lone to start businesses. Well that's a lot of missing time for boot strapping (pulling yourself up by your boot strap) Kinda of hard when you take away the straps. When you consider the civil war ended in 1865 ( that a hundred years) and there were still Jim Crow laws in the south one hundred years later. Of cause it was not like that all over the U.S. in the west the (so-called) Black people did well in what was called Black Wall St. Well they did will until there town was bomb."

As far as the percentage of (so called) blacks attacking white. I invite you to look up facts regarding (so called) whites attacking during the 400 years of enslavement. People in glass houses should not throw stones. But I'm not writing just to complain. Lets talk about the solutions not book endorsements!


In order to do this I am going to talk from personal experience. When I was in school I was never a good student. I would have never been able to write what your reading now. I have always been able to make it to the top of any of the technical field I happen to be in at the time, by using gimmicks to cover for my lack of written communication skills. I have held positions such as Aircraft technician to assisting with hair transplant (Operating room technician). These jobs came only after I learned about the history of my people before their time of their enslavement. which I believe gave me the perception of confidence (I can do this). The moderator talk about throwing money at (spending a lot of money on) the problems in my community. What this does is to provide help for those who are on the margins, (are in good communities) those who had some measure of competence in themselves to start with, but does not help community as a hold.

If Africans were to learn about how great their ancestors (once thought to be a myth but now back up with hard facts) were in the pass this would make the difference. But in order for this to be done with causing problem for (so-called) white people the segregation of history class would be needed. Because as you say it's hard for (so-called) white people to conciser the action of their ancestors, and we are the ones who are made to pay for it. But if this is to end we will have to start to tell the truth. A hard, maybe impossible thing for the system to do.

All that is gold does not glitter.

All those who wander are not lose.

The old that is strong does not witter.

Deep roots are not reach by the frost!


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