Is the investigation into Trump and Russia going to do any good?

I have to wonder about how effective any investigation into Trump's ties to Putin is going to be. Based on what I'm seeing on social media, quite a few people, maybe even most, have already made up their minds. I don't see the report changing a single mind. Whatever its conclusions, those who agree with it will say it's clear evidence while those who don't will view it as a blatant attack on freedom and democracy.

This points to a fundamental problem in America today. (The problem is probably more widespread than just the USA, but I'm going to limit my comments to America because I'm more familiar with what is going on here.)

The problem is that no one is interested in the truth any longer. It is no longer important whether something is right or wrong. What counts is whether or not it advances the agenda, whatever that agenda might be.

The problem is not limited to just one side. It's characteristic of the pro-Trump and anti-Trump sources. You will see it on MSNBC, CNN and FoxNews.

Sadly, not only do I not see a solution, it seems to be increasing in severity. It's tearing the country apart.

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