With just two days left until voting begins in the UK who will emerge victorious come Friday? What sweeping changes will they make to our daily lives? Will they lower our taxes, will they tackle terrorism, will they revive the shambolic health care service?? 

I literally haven't been this excited since my last trip to the dentist! Detect a hint of cynicism ...... Well allow me to explain why.

When attempting to explain to the average blue pill munching, mainstream watching zombie that voting is a ritual designed to give the masses the 'illusion' that they have a choice, Im always met with the same preprogrammed, Stockholm syndrome responses .... " IF YOU DON'T VOTE YOU CANT COMPLAIN" or "BY NOT VOTING ITS A VOTE FOR THEM" 

Actually like most "arguments" spoon fed to the masses the complete opposite is true. To vote is to participate in 'their' system, its fundamentally a conformation vote. Its giving validity to a system that pushes the very worst among us to the positions of power. Greedy, weak, compromised, sexual deviants are well rewarded for being the necessary firewall between us and the real power ... corporations and banks.


Politics is just an act, these creatures are well paid actors, the script doesn't change wether you vote red or vote blue .... and neither do the "Directors"
Its like changing your waiter in a terrible restaurant but leaving the same chef in place to keep serving you up the same old shit food. 

  Einstein famously said "The definition of INSANITY is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results". That pretty much makes anyone who has lived through more than one election cycle and still thinks it makes a difference to vote .... INSANE. This isn't a "democracy" its a "corperatocracy" not rule by the people but rule by the elites and their corporate and banking interests. 

People who willingly participate in this system support a foreign policy of destabilisation and destruction, debt and death, they support the selling of arms to regimes with some of the worst human rights records on the planet while demonising much more peaceful nations who don't do as they are told, they support a domestic policy of tolerating "terrorism" and denying any responsibility for creating it, they support the widening divide between the have nots and the have yachts, they support endless debt, they support environmental destruction, they support corporate power, they support child molestation in the highest positions of power and support the blocking of any real justice...... Is this really worth voting for? 

In reality though we do have real power and we do have a vote that means something. In a corperatocracy the real vote is not in the realm of politics but where you spend your money. This is why their election illusion is so important, to distract from where we can really make a difference. Vote against corporate power by spending as little of your hard earned money as possible in their businesses. Turn off their TV stations and boycott their banks. Take back power and take back responsibility. Be your own central bank, grow some of your own food and give your custom to small local business .... Get into bitcoin and cryptocurrencies ...... Theres many solutions to the huge problems in the political system, but one thing that won't change anything is giving them your vote!

Vote to support arming maniacs
Vote to support terrorism
Vote for the good character of the prime minister
Vote for justice to never be done 

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"The desire to be a politician should be enough to ban you from ever becoming one"~ Billy Connolly

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