Is It time to Ban George Soros from entering the UK?

With all the past hysteria from the leftists about banning Donald Trump from entering into the UK. The London Mayor Sadiq Khan, for example, was very vocal about stopping him from having the red carpet laid out for him. Despite some other unsavoury dignitaries in the past receiving the same red- carpet treatment.

Is now the time to Ban George Soros from entering into the UK? He is now looking to overturn the democratic decision of the British people. He is throwing his money behind the anti-Brexit project ‘Best for Britain’ an ironic title if there ever was one.

And with all the mass hysteria about the fake Russia narrative why is there not uproar from the Left about George Soros, is this not exactly the same thing as what they are moaning about? Why on Earth are the media not reporting on this with their critical demeanour like they do with the alleged Russian interference? The only difference of course is there still no evidence of Russian influence despite a Year-long investigation but it has been confirmed that George Soros bunged ‘Best for Britain’ £400K. It is now reported that he has increased this figure further.

It gets worse too; recently reported by the Telegraph, Author and sociologist Franck Ferudi claims that Globalists activists working for the billionaire bragged about toppling governments at a private lunch.

“Soros believes that if people voted the wrong way, he is entitled to thwart decisions made them”.

“Soros does not believe in borders nor the authority of national electorates. Consequently, he feels he is entitled to influence and if possible direct political societies all over the World”.

All sounds very undemocratic to me.

If you think he is doing this out of 'love' then you are very seriously misguided. George Soros remember made Billions shorting the £ some time ago. I would argue that the only person he is truly interested in is himself and not the British people.

Source: OrionPrime - YouTube.

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