The illiberal Left is literally saying that sexuality is inherent in one breath and teachable in the next breath.


So far as I can tell the liberal position on sexual attraction hasn't changed in my lifetime. Basically, you don't have full control over who you want to have sex with and people shouldn't try to program you into wanting to have sex with somebody who you wouldn't otherwise want to have sex with. This is broadly applicable. It doesn't matter if you're straight or gay. There are just certain people who don't do it for you. The liberal position has also always been that you don't have to justify yourself for not wanting to have sex with somebody. It's also been the liberal position that I really shouldn't care who you want to have sex with unless you want to have sex with me or I want to have sex with you.

It used to be the ultra-conservative position that we should deprogram sexual preferences in the "Pray the Gay Away" camps.

The illiberal Left needs to make a choice. Either there's no such thing as "Groomers" and sexuality is always genetically programmed and you can't be taught to identify as a different gender or to be sexually attracted to another person or you can program or deprogram sexual preferences and identity. The illiberal Left is talking out of both sides of its mouth. If it's impossible to program somebody to be gay or trans than it's also impossible to program me to want to have sex with a woman who has a penis. That's a common position on the illiberal Left -- the idea that it's transphobic for a straight man to not want to have sex with another biological man and that our sexual preferences were learned and need to be unlearned.

I can have a discussion with an ultra-conservative on this issue because they're somewhat consistent.

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