The Conflict of Syria, Middle East and the World

The conflicts started with public movement in the Arabian World in 2011. One of the stops of the movement was obviously Syria.

The people of Syria had organised mass demonstrations against the Baath regime and demanded reforms. Even though Assad regime had done some regulations on legal framework, they did not do any regulation to end the Baath's monopoly. Consequently the demonstrations did not stop and Assad regime had to suppress them with using military force.

The reaction was not delayed. The public opposition whose demanding reforms and wanting Assad to go, has been armed and started a battle with the security forces. This crisis have become a civil war which caused to death of thousands of Syrian people and also thousands of them had to immigrate to the neighboring countries. Some of the countries those are interested with the issue ignored the immigrants and left them to their destiny.

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This turned the Syrian crisis into a regional and global issue. While it has started a shia-sunni tension in the region, it also created a struggle between the actors supporting democratization movements and the states that support authoritarian rule in the globe. There are the states that are supporting the regime or the opposition by their direction of interests. Might be right in saying that no other countries actually does not care about the people whose are enduring the civil war.

The Syrian crisis has caused a clash between the trends that require external interventions in the case of human rights violations and the trends against external interventions that advocating the absolute sovereignty of states in international relations. It has become a show of force amongst the states that can be dominant in the region.

On the other hand, the opposition of the regime have been started to link amongst them with the name of National Coalition of Syrian Revolution and Opposition Forces and started Free Syrian Army. Although the opposition started to get organised, the movement is still fragile because the opposition groups did not have common vision.
Assad regime has excluded by the regional authorities because of their actions. In global area, the actions by the United Nations was insufficient to bring a solution to this matter.

Also there are several terrorist groups in the region those are threatening the integrity of borders. Some states are supporting these terrorist groups for their national or international interests.

The conflicts in territory are still on today and the military operations are still continuing. The hopes for the solution to come soon. But since this has become a global issue, the states must stop acting for their interests and get united for the actual solution.

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