Questions for a Communist organization

Hey everyone. I am a college student in the US and have been looking for topics to contribute to my school's political paper. It has a strong lean to one side and pretty high up, so I want to try and bring it down to the center. Recently I noticed a flyer that caught my attention: DI-EBEQW0AIu0Dk.jpg While I was not familiar with the particular group they were supporting, the name of the organizers really stood out. Workers World? With a giant red star no less can mean only one thing. Naturally I am planning on calling the organization and discussing the particulars of the flyer as well as the nature of the group itself and do a writeup. I however have no interviewing experience but I don't want to half-ass this. I would love to take suggestions for questions and I will crosspost my final article here on steemit. Thanks guys! My goal would be to at least expose a portion of the nefarious inclinations that underlay this group as well as the "Freedom Fighters" they choose to support. Any way it shakes out, it will amount to a good story I think.

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