The Democrats Seem To Be Operating From A One Issue Plan.

Now ideally this issue would be one that focused on improving the state of the country, and helped with actual issues. They may actually think that is the case. So what has their ONE issue been for a long time now?


Now you may be thinking they have other issues, as they talk about a lot of other things. In reality, what they speak about is only done if they can imagine some way to attack Trump.

If it doesn't attack Trump it is not news.

The earliest I can currently remember is the infamous outrage over "Trump's Muslim Ban" which was actually bans of specific countries and did not include many predominantly Muslim countries. If it was truly a Muslim ban then those other countries would need to be blocked as well. It's actually a large religion so if it was truly a Muslim ban they would need to ban people from everywhere if their religion was Muslim. That isn't what occurred. It was actually a ban from countries that have produced terrorists who struck the U.S. That isn't the real issue though. Here is what they didn't seem to want to share. This was Obama's list. His administration already took action on this list before Trump was in control. So if it was a "Muslim Ban" then it was not appropriate to call it "Trump's Muslim Ban" since he didn't create that list.

This trend becomes normal. Blame Trump for things that preexist him. Make it outrageous that Trump is doing things that have been laws and in action since long before him.

A week or so ago it was "Children in Cages" and the media was circulating photos talking about how horrible it is. Then it turns out those photos were taken while Obama was president. Why no outrage? Simple. They don't actually care about the issues. They just care about attacking Trump. That is their one issue.

This weekend the Children Separated from families exploded. It was of course blamed on Trump. Yet, this too is procedure and Laws that existed LONG BEFORE TRUMP. So why now? Attack Trump. Blame him for things he didn't implement.

Now the Democrats allegedly have no interest in fixing this, they would rather focus on Trump. The GOP didn't seem to focused on it either. So now it is said Trump is going to address this with an executive order.

I suspect when he addresses their complaint they will find some way to attack that. It is a damned if he does, damned if he doesn't type of situation. They don't actually care about the issues, they only care about attacking Trump.

You see those laws were originally created to protect the children. So if Trump gives in and changes this by executive order, then when something bad happens to the children due to this they can blame him for giving them what they wanted. Yet the truth is they don't care about this. They only care about attacking Trump.

If they cared about these things why didn't they complain about them when they were implemented and in some cases for the decades these things were occurring? They didn't care, because Trump was not president.

That law was passed by Democrats in 2002.

Now I noted yesterday that the news keeps calling them IMMIGRANTS. They drop the word ILLEGAL. They are not legally immigrating here. They are committing a crime. Those that are LEGAL immigrants are not separated from their children.

So even though this is NOT Trump's bill, law, etc. he would NOT be separating children from immigrant families. Without the word ILLEGAL that concept is a lie. If you add the word ILLEGAL in or call them TRESPASSERS then it would be an accurate statement. That isn't what is being stated. Yet it wasn't Trump who created this policy. It was something Obama did as well. Not a peep of complaint heard about that.

These are not the only issues targeting Trump that were not created by Trump and that were being done prior to his Presidency without complaint. These are just the ones that come to mind at the moment due to current events.

So let's assume the Democrats get what they want?

Then what?

They don't appear to have any actual plans for the country and doing their job beyond attacking Trump.

The sad thing is that largely it is a losing battle.

If they wanted to sway people they should do their job, do it well, and lead by example. If they actually help people rather than hurt them then those actions would be pretty convincing.

They speak about helping people, but their actions do otherwise and people are tired of words that don't correspond to the outcome of their actions.

There is a saying something like "If you live in a glass house you shouldn't throw stones".

The only reason they have any effect at all is because so many people are too lazy to actually research these things. It is easier to let their favorite Democrat talking head tell them what they should think.

Not a very intelligent plan.

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