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Wanna look smart in interviews? Introducing Books by the Foot!

In a recent article that in itself was not dumb, I was introduced to yet another "smoke and mirrors" that the world elite use in order to pull the wool over everyone's eyes. The business is called Books by the Foot and it has seen a dramatic increase in popularity ever since interviews have been conducted by teleconference or Zoom meetings.


This company isn't doing anything wrong and I am not getting on their case for making money off of the ignorance or arrogance of others. I just find it extremely funny that something like this is even possible as a business idea and when you think about it, it is actually pretty brilliant. It probably isn't a great thing for the people who use this service that this story and many others like it, have made it to the forefront of the media today.


While Tory MP Dominic Raab is certainly not alone in this endevor, he was mocked relentlessly for conducting and interview with some carefully selected novels in the background, which based on how they are aligned "just so" was certainly justified. While he tried to make it appear as though they just happened to be there it is oh so obvious that they were placed there for this particular interview. The titles are just a psychological trick that I find alarming anyone would actually fall for. This "hey look how smart I am because of the books that I have definitely read recently" look a real hoot and I am happy he was mocked for it.

It was because of this that Books by the Foot came to be a big story. Apparently, you can contact this company as part of an "interior design" plan and simply give them an idea of the impression you would like the people you speak to, whether in person or in online / video interviews and they find books that fall into that category. They will then find things that fall into a particular political or intellectual flavor and arrange them in your office so that the world can see how smart you are based on what is behind you!

How can they possibly cater to every imaginable topic in the background of your carefully selected office environment you say? Well in their warehouse in Maryland they have over 4 million books that they can hand select for whatever look you are going for. If this interview is just a one off you don't even have to buy the books, you can just rent them.


The owners of this company say that most of the time the arrangements are made under a pseudonym and that they are normally bound to some sort of a non-disclosure agreement as well but all they can tell the media is that most of their customers, even though they are not usually certain who they are, are definitely A-list celebrities, politicians, or political pundits of some sort.


I look at the news to make fun of it and the people that are on it for the most part and not to become more enlightened or knowledgeable about any particular topic, especially if it is related to politics in any way. This new addition to the charade is just one more reason to not trust the heads on the television because the fact that a company like this even exists is more reason to just continue to believe that we are being deceived in any way that we possibly can.

Sadly, these articles that showcase how effective a business Books by the Foot has actually become is probably one of the only unbiased articles that I have read in the past few days. The politicians use stuff like this because the average viewer is likely very easy to deceive.