Three Cheers for Peter Szijjarto!

Three Cheers for Peter Szijjarto!

"We Reject Multiculturalism."

Finally someone had the guts to say it; multiculturalism is bologna. Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto told CNN that his people wish to maintain THEIR culture. The Left is always so hell bent on diluting Western countries (for reasons that are obvious) that they seem shocked whenever a Christian country wishes to maintain its own purity. I have often wondered why it is that multiculturalism is always assumed to be a good thing. I also wonder why it is only a one way street into Western civilizations as well.

It seems Christopher Columbus is the only immigrant the Left despises. The West (in a defensive maneuver) during the Crusades invaded foreign lands, and they are vilified to this day by the Left. But when modern day Muslim men invade Europe and begin rioting, raping, and murdering the people there, then not a peep from the liberal media. Enter Peter Szijjarto who basically said, "We aren't playing your nefarious game disguised as compassion, but which is really an attempt to destroy Western Civilization."

The only people that should be allowed to immigrate to America, or any country for that matter, should be those who wish to become American. Immigrants need to have an affinity for the country they are fleeing to. They should respect its laws, values, form of governance, institutions, traditions, etc, etc. They also should be able to contribute something, and not immediately get on the dole, which is bankrupting our country (can you say anchor baby?)

I hope other world leaders will take note of Peter Szijjarto's sentiment, and follow in kind. Who says that we have to do what so many other countries like China, Saudi Arabia, and Iran don't do? Why are we expected to take in Muslim refugees when OTHER MUSLIM COUNTRIES WON'T EVEN DO IT? No, I like the United States as it was founded, and I wish to keep it that way. How does that make me anything other than a patriot who loves his country?


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