The Brett Kavanaugh Hearing

The Brett Kavanaugh Hearing

What We Know So Far


So, let me get this straight, all four of the alleged witnesses in Christine Blasey Ford’s alleged sexual assault accusations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh have denied the allegations including Dr. Ford's own very good friend Leland Ingham Keyser who says she has no recollection of EVER being at a party with Kavanaugh, and does not know him. Is that right so far? Continuing...

So, there are literally NO WITNESSES who have confirmed Christine Blasey Ford's accusations. NOT ONE. Judge Brett Kavanaugh himself vehemently denies the allegations, of course. Patrick Smyth, a former high school classmate of Kavanaugh, has denied attending the alleged party where Dr. Ford says Kavanaugh attempted to sexually assault her in the 1980s. Alleged witness Mark Judge defended Kavanaugh again in a letter through his lawyer to Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley. Lastly, and my personal favorite, Leland Ingham Keyser a life-long friend of Christine’s has denied the accusations. Still with me?

Okay, Senator Lindsey Graham made an interesting point when he said, "If you are a serial rapist in high school it sticks with you the rest of your life," implying that typically a person like this does not commit that heinous act just once and then never again. "Everyone who knew him and in school said this is ridiculous. He is a good man. I give this a zero credibility," Graham continued. So, Kavanaugh graduated high school, went to college, began his career, and now at the age of 53 has never had any woman say one negative thing about him. Can Bill Clinton say that? Can Keith Ellison or Cory Booker? Can Al Franken or Anthony Weiner? Why I think not.

So, all we really have here is an 36 year old allegation that is not specific to time, place, and has no corroboration from a woman who is a doctor of psychology and who turns out to have ties to an abortion pill pharmaceutical company called Corcept Therapeutics. This is an obvious conflict of interest for Dr. Ford because this pharmaceutical company manufacturers an abortion pill drug, and their profits could be strongly impacted by future Supreme Court decisions on abortion rights.

This woman also made multiple inconsistent statements during her testimony (, said she does not like to fly but sure as hell does a lot of it, and cannot seem to remember much including whether or not she or someone else paid for her polygraph. The only thing she does claim to know is that Kavanaugh definitely was the guy who jumped her at a party 36 years ago. Why is no one asking her how drunk she was at that party?

Liberals get mad when I ask that. They say, "What does it matter if she was drunk or not?" Oh, I don't know, maybe because it would impede her senses and even memory! Then the libs poke fun at Kavanaugh for being so angry during his opening remarks, and, "if he acts like that in public then just imagine how unhinged he is behind closed doors." These Monday morning quarterbacks are the same ones defending ANTIFA thugs who smash store front windows, and hassle Republicans who are trying to eat dinner with their family.

If these smug libs were accused of something, and they were innocent, then they would be upset too. Particularly after their good name was tarnished after years of hard work and dedication, and also after their family has been dragged to hell and back. These same pompous asses on the left would be screaming, shouting and crying at the top of their lungs. I for one think he handled it remarkably well.

No offense, but Dr. Ford did not come across well in her testimony. She would cry with the absence of tears (at least I didn't see any), and then in the next breath would be smiling. I think she herself may need a shrink. I know, I know, she is a very astute and accomplished woman. She earned her doctorate in educational psychology at the University of Southern California. I'll have to check out her book and “Acupuncture: A Promising Treatment for Depression During Pregnancy.”


By the way, what in the hell was Sheila Jackson Lee doing with Ford's lawyer?

What was that all about?

I have one last question - who gives a flying F what Alyssa Milano thinks about anything?

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