Clash Of Cultures

Clash Of Cultures

Asking Honest Questions

In 2007, a fatwa addressed the question of whether Muslims can swim in a pool in which a non-Muslim has swam:
"If the size of the public pool is more than 225 sq ft (20.9 m2) then it is considered a large body of water and will not become impure by non-Muslims swimming in it. If the pool is less then 225 sq ft (20.9 m2), then if the non-Muslim had taken a bath before swimming, the water will be pure since there is no impurity on him. If he did not take a bath before swimming and it is certain that there was impurity on him before he swam, then the pool is impure and all the water must be removed and refilled with clean water."

So, I have a question. If the pool rules say that a child must be accompanied by an adult, and a Muslim adult cannot enter for religious reasons, then is this discrimination? This 'clash of cultures' between Arab nations and Western nations has been going on for a while, and seems to only be getting worse. Even in progressive European countries there have been issues such as women unable to remove their burkhas for a driver's license picture. The Canadian province of Quebec, Austria, Germany, Belgium, and even France have banned face coverings.


Even here in America we have been told to take the American flag down because it offends people. American flags were removed during a ceremony at Arlington headquarters in the Town of Poughkeepsie back in 2016.

In British Columbia, at Pitt Meadows Park, flyers were posted asking people to keep dogs away from Muslims because they see dogs as offensive.

I do not have the answer to how to get Muslims to assimilate in the West. I honestly do not know if it is even possible. The problem I have is why are we acquiescing to them? For political correctness? To show how tolerant we are? So leftists can think they are big heroes? What happens when these immigrants and/or refugees start chucking gay people off of roofs? What happens when they rape a modern Western woman who they deem deserved it since she was 'dressed like a whore' because her midriff was showing, or she had a short skirt on, or a sleeveless shirt?

What will result from their voluntary segregation? Some sects will not let their women drive. How will they get to work? Or will they just immediately go on welfare? What if they start performing clitorectomies of their young daughters? Can we step in legally? They live by Sharia Law not our law, and our courts acquiesce to them because, after all, we don't want to be racist.

Again, if I am way off base here, then please let me know. I am honestly asking these questions, and admit that I do not have the answers. I also wonder why the Democrat party in the U.S., and the liberal parties in European countries are so hell bent on importing these people. My hunch is that the more the proletariat squabble amongst themselves, the more the aristocracy gets to hold power.

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