Civil War Diary: INDEX

Globalists, Deep State, Democrats, Progressives...

"Radicalism can never exist, much less increase in power, unless its advocates can create in the minds of its followers a feeling of inferiority and a sense of injustice."--Will Ellis Miller

Civil War Diary Index

  • 1. Are Former Obama Bigwigs Leading an Assault Upon the Republic Itself?
  • 2. Resorting to Violence, Death Wishes & Assassination
  • 3. Stop Calling Them Progressives!
  • 4. Marxists don’t believe they do anything wrong - it's always YOUR fault.
  • 5. The Well-Funded Communist Blitz Against Our Culture
  • 6. "Holy Snowflake, Batman!"
  • 7. "The country is coming apart - the advocates of radical egalitarianism are winning."
  • 8. Former (Obama) CIA Director Counsels Coup if Trump Fires Mueller; Democrat Calls for "Elimination"
  • 9. Violence is Business as Usual for Left-Wingers
  • 10. Sedition against the government of the United States
  • 11. American Leftists Are Fascists Marching ‘Under the Banner of Anti-Fascism’
  • 12. A Coordinated, Slow-Rolling Coup
  • 13. "There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide."
  • 14. Who Ordered Charlottesville Police To Stand Down?
  • 15. Silencing speech is Antithetical to the Founding of the United States
  • 16. The Department of Homeland Security labeled Antifa’s actions as “domestic terrorism.”
  • 17. Marxist/Anarchist group openly calls for the overthrow of the American government. Legacy media remains silent.
  • 18. "RefuseFascism" & Its Fellow Travellers Out To Trigger More Charlottesvilles
  • 19. F**k Your F***ing Constitution, F**k Your Liberal Bernie Bullshit - AntiFa Rant
  • 20. #20: Yes, Both Sets Of Idiots Are Idiots!
  • 21. Leftist Academics Foster Fascist Violence - and They're Proud of It!
  • 22. Leftists oppose free speech because liberal beliefs are intellectually indefensible
  • 23. No One Expects the Marxist Thought Police!
  • 24. The Democratic Party is Now a Communist Party
  • 25. Winning Through Intimidation: Antifa is the Democrats' New KKK
  • 26. AntiFa “Anti-Fascist” are behaving exactly like the Fascists they condemn
  • 27. “We have the fascists on the run!” (Says Delusional, Disingenuous San Francisco Mayor)
  • 28. Berkeley Police Chief: Officers Ordered NOT to Actively Confront Marxist/Anarchists
  • 29. "If UC Berkeley Doesn’t Shut Down Right-Wing Speakers Next Month, Antifa Will Riot"
  • 30. 'Snowflakes Collective' vrs Veterans of the United States Military. Any bets?
  • 31. Silence of Democratic Politicians About AntiFa Violence Should be Taken as Consent
  • 32. "No Trump, no Wall, No USA at All!"
  • 33. Chick-fil-A is Evil, AntiFa Not So Much
  • 34. There Aren't Enough Klansmen to Beat Up - So We'll Beat YOU instead, You You You Fascist!
  • 35. "Mass protest" likely means "riot" to AntiFa thugs; AntiFa manual (Comments)
  • 36. Antifa has a "rapid response team" that targets alt-right organizers. Are you on their hit list?
  • 37. Teaching "Future Dead Cops" is Groovy
  • 38. Alt-Left Bigot Governor Moonbeam Says Trump Supporters Are Cave Dwellers
  • 39. Does Steve Bannon Really Wanna Kill Six Million Jews?
  • 40. Marxicrats Choking With Rage - and Watermelons are Now Racist?
  • Ken McVay OBC
    @dragon40, Certified Curmudgeon

    "The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism." - Karl Marx

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