Civil War Diary #40: Marxicrats Choking With Rage - and Watermelons are Now Racist?

A 41-year-old probationary firefighter has been fired after his first day on the job because he brought a watermelon to work.--Rick Moran

Berkeley Fascists Threaten Republicans

Antifa Fascists Stalking Berkeley Republicans
Antifa in Berkeley has been stalking University of California – Berkeley College Republicans - listing them by name and alerting others to their physical whereabouts in real time.
On Wednesday, the Berkeley Antifa account on Twitter posted the private meeting place of several Berkeley College Republicans... --Ian Cheong

Berzerkeley's fascists continue their intimidation campaign, targeting those who hold different views. Some fascist thugs are more equal than the rest of us, or so they seem to believe. The real question is this: How should their targets protect themselves? What do you think they should do (if anything)?

It appears as if the university doesn't much care, and the campus police aren't involved, as tracking another person via Twitter is not a crime. In short, unless and until the Antifa thugs actually commit violence, nothing can be done.

The Revolution Eats Its Own

You can't make this sh*t up. Black Lives Matter protestors shut down an ACLU (American Communist Liberties Union) presentation on free speech on the William and Mary College campus,

Repeatedly asking "whose side are you on?" the protestors kept up their chanting for nearly twenty minutes. Some of the more memorable (and ironic) chants included: "The oppressed are not impressed." "Your free speech hides beneath white sheets." "The revolution will not uphold the Constitution." and "Liberalism is white supremacy."

Methinks this qualifies as pure entertainment: One Marxist group of street thugs vs. a Marxist group of alt-left "intellectuals" determined to convey the appearance of support for free speech while working to destroy it. The politics of division writ large.

The only question which now matters is this: Which group gets to claim the Virtuous Victimhood Award, the communists or the communists?

Noted AntiFa Leader on Fascism

We Cannot Relent

Thank you, Joan Swirsky, for telling it like it us:

From the Muslim Barbary Pirates who fought America’s first presidents (George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson) to today’s equally bellicose, supremacist, and fascist groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa, all harbor the fantasy of destroying big bad America and replacing our Democratic Republic first with socialism and finally with communism. Predictably, they are fully supported by the leftists, progressives, communists, and Islamists among us.

Pow! Swirsky states the obvious, glaring truth: Communists are dedicated to the overthrow of the American government, and the Democratic Party has been helping them achieve that end.

While alt-left darlings like George Soros, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and others protect and promote communist thugs like Black Lives Matter and the myriad Antifa gangbangers, their Hollywood cheerleaders provide political cover.

Perhaps Americans are (slowly) beginning to figure this out - perhaps that is why they elected a carnival showman and soundly rejected Hillary Clinton and all her disgusting baggage.

The virulence of their ISIS-like demonstrations is because the real powers-that-be in the globalist hierarchy are choking with rage that everything they dreamed about and worked for and thought they achieved when they implanted the poseur “president” Barack Obama in office for a full eight years was shattered to smithereens when Donald J. Trump destroyed their other puppet, Hillary Clinton, in the presidential election of November 8, 2016.

Indeed, Joan, indeed.

Antifa Thugs Training in Syria?

Leave it to the intrepid Sara Noble to spring this can be sure the legacy media won't be reporting this one anytime soon:

Many have compared Antifa to ISIS and that might not be too far from reality. We have a communist West Point graduate who has an Antifa flag in his room and Antifa are fighting with a known terror group in Syria. Though Antifa and other Reds are fighting against ISIS, they are fighting with a Kurdish terror group.
British intelligence is very concerned about who these people are and the danger they could present to the homeland. The Reds might bring the “Revolution” to the U.K. The same concern should hold for the U.S.

Ms. Noble's story also reveals that volunteers hoping to join the battle are leaving, and explains why: Christians are deserting the YPG because American and European Antifa, Communists and other leftists are joining.

We have seen the fascists' violent assaults on the First Amendment, statues sponsored by Democrats, and now (horrors!) Christopher much more violent do you think they will be when their trained terrorist brethren return from Syria?

The Evil, Racist Watermelon (Mug Shot)

Oh, The Horror!

Rick Moran provides a story that is (almost) impossible to believe:

A 41-year-old probationary firefighter has been fired after his first day on the job because he brought a watermelon to work.
Robert Pattison went to introduce himself to his fellow firefighters and, as was the tradition at the firehouse, brought some food to share. But while most rookie firefighters brought donuts, Pattison brought a watermelon. Some of the black firefighters, who make up about 90% of the station, said they were offended by the act and the Detroit Fire Department decided to fire the probie.

A WATERMELON. What can one say about this blatant example of political correctness gone mad? A watermelon!

No wonder the Democratic Party's City of Detroit is a bankrupt cesspool

Work Cited

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