Civil War Diary #22: Leftists oppose free speech because liberal beliefs are intellectually indefensible

"The reality of course is that liberals oppose free speech because liberal beliefs are intellectually indefensible. The only way they can win over people is by denying those people the truth and by ensuring that those people go by their feelings not rational thought."--Tom Trinko

Appearing on "Reliable Sources" Sunday, CNN Political Analyst Carl Bernstein suggested that military leaders and their “collaborators” in the White House need to “protect us from the president” by prompting him to resign. In other words, stage a military coup.

Thanks a lot, CNN, for again showing your true colors.

Christopher Cantrill asks a fascinating question, the answer to which should be patently clear: "Suppose BLM and Antifa Are Just Democratic 'Muscle' like the Old KKK"? The answer has been provided by left-wing politicians and so-called "journalists who have taken of late to not only defending violent fascists, but justifying their use of violence at the same time:

"Now let us turn to Black Lives Matter and Antifa. Are they marginalized groups that liberals and Democrats are ashamed of? Certainly not. All over my liberal neighborhood in liberal Seattle there are We Believe yard-signs that proudly announce that Black Lives Matter. And just this weekend the New York Times and the Washington Post have written pieces saying there is nothing to see here on leftist violence."
"The conclusion is obvious. Black Lives Matter and Antifa are “muscle” groups that perform the same function for today’s Democrats that the KKK performed for the Jim Crow South. They intimidate from Berkeley to Middlebury to Charlottesville, and the ruling class gives them a pass, just as the police and the judges did for the KKK back in the days of the Solid South."

The Klan, the historical Democratic Party terrorist arm, has been so thoroughly discredited that left-wingers have scrambled to denounce them and erase their history...even though they still refuse to denounce Klan leaders like Robert Byrd and Hugo Black. BLM and the Antifa are proving themselves perfect replacements. Like the Klan, their purpose is to intimidate white opposition to their fascist beliefs (and, as Sara Noble later points out, foment armed rebellion). Remember (as Tom Trinko points out) that "According to liberals, speech that they don’t like is violence", and "violence" justifies a violent response.

BLM and AntiFa exist to punish wrong thought. That is why Democrats not only refuse to denounce them, but defend and support them.

Thanks to Robert Turner, I've been thinking of the recent uproar over Charlottesville and the outraged virtue signaling from the Democrats. is it not ironic that sixty-three people were shot in Chicago over the same weekend? Is it not ironic that none of the shooters appear to have been white supremacists, NAZI wannabes or Klansmen? Then, of course, there's the shameful truth that neither Democrats nor their thugs will direct their outrage towards the shooters responsible for nine deaths nor the Democrats who have been ruling Chicago for decades. Why blacks in Chicago continue to support the Democratic Party machine is beyond me.

Unrepentant conservative Sara Noble writes:

"If you are confused about Black Lives Matter, go to their national website which explains what they are. It reads like the Communist Manifesto. They too are violent and destructive of private property and they are a hate group. They have been preparing for Revolution."

I wondered about Sara's "preparing for revolution" statement, and visited the BLM website, where I found this gem: [Black Lives Matter] centers those that have been marginalized within Black liberation movements. It is a tactic to (re)build the Black liberation movement.

Hmmm...and what, you might be asking, is this Black liberation movement? As always, Wikipedia is our friend:

The Black Liberation Army (BLA) was an underground, black nationalist militant organization that operated in the United States from 1970 to 1981. Composed largely of former Black Panthers (BPP), the organization's program was one of armed struggle against the United States Government, and its stated goal was to "take up arms for the liberation and self-determination of black people in the United States." The BLA carried out a series of bombings, killings of police officers and drug dealers, robberies (which participants termed "expropriations"), and prison breaks.

Durham, North Carolina

SO: Black Lives Matter is a Marxist movement which wishes to "rebuild the Black liberation movement" - in other words, to advocate armed rebellion. Charming. (If you still doubt the Marxist roots of this racist, terrorist organization, visit History of the Modern Black Liberation Movement and the Black Workers Congress Summed-Up, an article hosted on

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