Civil War Diary #12: A Coordinated, Slow-Rolling Coup

Globalists, Deep State, Democrats, Progressives, Marxists...they detest the United States no matter what you call them.

"Republicans have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to pass legislation they’ve sworn they ran for office to pass – on health care, taxes, immigration, regulatory reform, shrinking government, the budget, you name it. And they’ve done next to nothing – aside from playing along with the attacks on Trump or remaining silent."--Derek Hunter

I was a strong #NeverTrump advocate prior to the Republican convention. Senator Ted Cruz was my candidate of choice. Once Trump won the nomination, however, realizing that the election of Hillary Rodham Clinton would mean the end of the Republic, I supported him.

I supported Donald Trump - and still support Donald Trump - in spite of the fact that he was, and is, a chronic, serial liar, just like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. I give daily thanks that Hillary Clinton is not in the White House.

To be clear: I do not like Donald Trump, but I recognize and appreciate the positive things he has already done for the country, even while reserving the right to complain and criticize him when he screws up.

Having made my bias clear, it's time to move on.

Are you an ignorant, unemployable hick? Are you too stupid to appreciate the magic of all-encompassing Big Government? Are you dumb enough to believe that your vote actually counts?

Worse yet, did you vote for Donald Trump? Consider the concluding words from Charlie Martin's story:

...the Permanent Coastal Privilege Party figures all these Trump voters are ignorant unemployed hicks, and not even really human. They actually do intend to prevent those people from having a voice in American politics. And now that we're hearing those people aren't really human, how far are we from them proposing a final solution?

Or consider the respected legal mind of one Laurence Tribe:

Lawyer Laurence Tribe, of Haavard (and Acolyte to His Holiness Barack Hussein Obama), recently tweeted that Stephen Miller, Donald Trump's senior policy advisor - the selfsame Miller who recently humiliated CNN's Village Idiot, Jim Acosta, the man Derek Hunter refers to as "the Forrest Gump of the press pool" - should not be paid with taxpayers' money because he "isn't human". Tribe subsequently erased the tweet, perhaps because he realized something similar had been said about the Jews by a well-reviled Austrian maniac.

Reading Tribe's tweets, however, does seem to suggest that he holds anything and everything Trump in abject contempt. He is, after all, a dedicated Marxicrat.

Sher Zieve expands on Tribe's contempt for 62,979,636 million American voters and explains where it is trying to take us:

The coup attempt that both the Congressional Democrats and RINOs are trying to pull off will do nothing less than eliminate our form of government and render this election and all others to follow null and void…if the politicians don’t agree with our choices. If the ruling class, which is now in the process of seizing our government, is not stopped, we will very shortly become an Oligarchy. We-the-People as a part of the US government will be no more and will no longer have any say in our own governance. We will, essentially, be in bondage to the country’s rulers; rulers who will be the decision makers as to what we may and may not do and what we may and may not say. We will no longer be the masters and mistresses of our own fate. America will have died.

Is Zieve right - has the Republic been lost? If so, who has taken it from us?

Derek Hunter explores Hillary Clinton's role in the planned destruction of the Trump Administration, and that of the Press - the Washington Post in particular, which released transcripts to President Trump's telephone conversations with world leaders:

What world leader would have a candid or sensitive conversation with any president if there’s a possibility, and in the case of Trump a probability, of their words appearing in print at some point? Information will not be conveyed thanks to the Post, which couldn’t care less because it got clicks.

WaPo's decision to publish these transcripts has done real damage to the President's ability to lead, and thus equally serious damage to the nation itself. And, no, neither owner Jeff Bezos nor the Washington Post give a damn about the national security of the United States.

As damaging to the country as the arrogant Marxicrats and their demanding "press" have been and continue to be, the real damage is coming from a source closer to home, as Jeff Crouere explains:

If congressional Republicans cared about the agenda of President Trump and his 63 million supporters, they would be doing something to investigate the misdeeds of the former administration, Hillary Clinton and the unprecedented number of leaks coming from moles within massive federal bureaucracy. President Trump has been battered by 126 leaks in the first 125 days of his administration. The latest embarrassment involved the leaking of transcripts of his conversations with the leaders of Mexico and Australia. These leaks are undoubtedly federal crimes, which should be investigated by both the Justice Department and Congress, but it seems all the focus is on the “Russian collusion” conspiracy.

The best way to describe this incredibly dangerous situation is to point out that Donald Trump and his 63 million supporters are smack on the receiving end of a war for control of the Republic. The enemy? Marxicrats, the legacy media, and the Republican Party. The enemy is determined to negate your vote, negate the Electoral College vote, and negate the Constitution in the name of maintaining their own power and privilege.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, pollster Alex Conant tells Axios that: "Our data shows Trump losing support inside the Republican Party and a noticeable drop in his perceived honesty."

It has often been said that Trump's core voters will support him regardless, but I am less certain than others. The constant onslaught of openly biased media, Democrats and turncoat Republicans is taking its toll. I get a real sense that people are not just upset by the GOP's apparent failure to fight back, they're outraged, and that outrage has a solid foundation:

...No apparent Justice Department investigation of Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, the Clinton's Pay for Play scheme or the Uranium scam; no apparent investigation of James Comey for his admitted leaks and potential collusion with respect to the meeting of Bill Clinton and former Obama AG Loretta Lynch; Trump's continued failure to bring order out of the current White House chaos, let alone his failure to clean out the Obama holdovers throughout the government, but most particularly in the White House itself, the EPA, the Department of Justice, the State Department, the national intelligence apparatchiks, and, of course, the Republican Party's flat refusal to repeal the unaffordable Affordable Care Act, "ObamaCare".

Judge Jeanine asks "Why do we let them get away with it?"

What's your excuse, Mr. President?

    Image: Mutiny on the Bounty, 1935

  • Crouere, Jeff: Mutiny on the Potomac
  • The world is witnessing a political mutiny that is unprecedented in the annals of American history. Donald Trump was duly and overwhelmingly elected President of the United States on Tuesday November 8, 2016. He received the votes of almost 63 million Americans, the highest total ever for a Republican Party presidential candidate. Through a remarkably targeted campaign, he won electoral votes in 31 states, destroying his opponent in the Electoral College. For any other President, his opponents would have given him a “honeymoon,” and allowed his administration to get started and implement his agenda.

  • Hunter, Derek: We’re Witnessing A Slow-Rolling Coup
  • I don’t know what the next media story will be – it’s impossible to predict the future when people are less bound by reality than a narrative. Whatever ends up happening there, one thing is for sure – the “resistance,” as it likes to call itself, is conducting a coordinated, slow-rolling coup against President Donald Trump.
    The story won’t be that Trump was forced from office so much as it will be that Republicans let it happen. Which is just what the Democrats were counting on.
  • Martin, Charlie: Trump vs. the Permanent Coastal Privilege Party
  • I think that pretty well lays it out, though — the Permanent Coastal Privilege Party figures all these Trump voters are ignorant unemployed hicks, and not even really human. They actually do intend to prevent those people from having a voice in American politics. And now that we're hearing those people aren't really human, how far are we from them proposing a final solution?
  • Zieve, Sher: Mueller and the US “Corruptocracy”
  • There are no longer any doubts that the D.C. Swamp and its attendant muddied creatures are working their hardest to take down legally-elected (by the citizens of the United States of America) President Donald J. Trump and throw him out of his position as President. Now, even the Republican Swamp Things in the Senate have joined their Democrat critters in working to pass a bill that will remove President Trump’s Executive Branch powers to fire those who serve at the pleasure of the POTUS. The Republicans—who have been secret Marxists for a very long time—are now working to damage duly-elected President Trump.
    We are on the brink of beginning an extremely perilous journey down the path of Venezuela and other autocratic totalitarian governments and are on our way towards losing our Constitution. We have, apparently, already lost our Republic.

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