Luxury Apartments Being Built in Days, Why Not?

In cities around the world there is a great need for more housing and a wide variety of affordable options, not just luxury condos or mansions.

There is a need for trailers, ranchers, multi-home dwellings, a variety of products that are needed by millions. It can take years sometimes to construct an apartment building. But what if it could be built within a day or so? That would greatly help to speed things up and address the housing need to some extent.

In China they were able to construct a 10-storey building within a day. They've done it at a faster pace than you might see in other popular regions. Sometimes taking only a few weeks to complete the project altogether.

They've gotten the label of being 'fast food homes' but for those who are in need, do they care? If they have a roof over their head it is better for them to see it in days not years.

The prefab homes can be cheaper and quicker to put together and get onto the market.

When it could take minutes, hours, or even just a few days to construct homes and apartments you might ask yourself why this isn't being done more often so that those who are in need can see some affordability in the market? Are there some interests who would like to keep things unaffordable? to keep end users out of reach of securing that dream?

The housing market needs freedom to explore creative options and cost effective solutions that will get people what they need which is more options for a roof over their head.

Not everyone might be interested in living in a container home but for some it is just what they might be looking for, especially if it comes at a lower price.

We know that currently in many cities there are roadblocks that politicians are frequently citing as a reason for things being as bad as they are with how expensive it might be or how long it takes. But what are they exploring in terms of solutions? Hopefully it means more variety of what we might see and not just the same old overpriced shoebox apartments or mansions but all products in-between too.


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