Donald Trump; Man of The Moment.

Some call him a racist, others call him a lunatic who's not fit for office, while others love him for who he is. Yes the man Donald Trump has been at the center of controversies, bulk of which has to do with his comments. From "grab em by the psy" commentslandscape-1485116911-gettyimages-632237514.jpg to the "St hole countries as alleged by media houses. A known Twitter warrior, some folks find his statements on issues unpalatable. A lady even went as far as saying if she owned twitter, she will ban Trump's account.
Trump may not be the typical politically correct Washington politician as is expected of him by others, but his performance so far on the American economy cannot be ignored. No doubt the American economy is showing positive strength with a 3% growth rate since 2015 in the first full quarter of his presidency. Although some commentators attributed it to share luck, others are of the view that Trump's economic policies were majorly responsible. What ever the case may be, the American economy no doubt is showing positive trends since Trump's came to power.
It may be too early to to celebrate, but from economic indices, it starting to look like Donald Trump might actually be the major catalyst for America's economic development.

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