Use violence to solve political issues, cover your face with a mask, destroy the "others"

Antifa, KKK, and Black Lives Matter are three groups that have many similarities.

1) They all believe use of violence is justified by their "special grievance".  The three groups are all filled with thugs and hoodlums, for whom violence comes naturally, like breathing.

2) They often cover their face with masks to disguise identity, since they know what they are doing is illegal or not supported by public at large

3) They all target destruction of the "others" that won't support their opinion and won't support their getting reparations for their "special grievance".

4) They are all small special interest groups, existing at the extreme edges of society, with very limited mainstream support from adults with common sense and common decency.

Antifa are Marxists/communists, that want to destroy capitalists.  

Antifa has a "special grievance" against capitalists who allegedly take and manipulate and control too many resources that Antifa believe they are ENTITLED to, just because they are Antifa. ANTIFA REGULARLY USES VIOLENCE.

KKK are white supremacists, that want to destroy other races (Blacks, Jews, etc.).  

KKK has a "special grievance" against other races, who allegedly take and manipulate and control too many resources that the KKK believe that are ENTITLED to, just because they are the KKK. KKK REGULARLY USES VIOLENCE.

Black Lives Matter are violent thugs, that want to go after and destroy white policemen and women and the "white man in power".  

Black Lives Matter has a "special grievance" against the "white man in power", who allegedly takes and manipulates and controls too many resources that Black Lives Matter believe they are ENTITLED to, just because they are Black Lives Matter. BLACK LIVES MATTER REGULARLY USES VIOLENCE.

Do you see how all three groups are similar?

Do you see how all three groups are despicable and harmful to society?

Do you see how all three groups include violence in their toolkit, to intimidate and try to get what they want by force?

Antifa from 2017 on left, KKK from 1964 on right

And for the big wrap-up (fair warning: you will need to think and use logic below):

How often do you see the MSM condemning KKK, and demanding politicians MUST condemn KKK?

Answer: almost every time that KKK is mentioned, MSM demands that this group has to be condemned in the same sentence, in strongest possible terms.

How often do you see the MSM condemning Black Lives Matter and demanding politicians MUST condemn Black Lives Matter?

Answer: never, or almost never.

How often do you see the MSM condemning Antifa, and demanding politicians MUST condemn Antifa?

Answer: never, or almost never.

Now for the part where you have to think.

Why does MSM give a pass to Antifa and Black Lives Matter?

Answer: because the Democrats are counting on and desperately need these two voting blocks.

MSM never condemns the violence of Antifa and never condemns the violence of Black Lives Matter because these groups are "voter friendly" for Democrats, (in one of the most visible signs of gross hypocrisy we have seen in years from the people we are supposed to count on to tell us the "facts" in their news reports).

If you have any other explanation for why MSM doesn't condemn violence and demand that all politicians must condemn violence from these two groups, please let me know.

Please upvote if the article helped clarify your thought process on these three groups.  

For the record, all three are equally despicable in my opinion. Violence is never the answer to any political grievance, by any group, for any reason, under any circumstance, in my opinion.



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