Is Climate Change Real? The Definitive Answer, YES !!

Atmospheric CO2 concentrations and average global temperatures for the past 550 million years on Earth.
Carbon dioxide levels from Brener (2001) and temperature from Scotese (2002)  

The only conclusion possible from even the most casual review of the historical record is yes.  


 ... as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end.

During the Mesozoic era, CO2 concentrations peaked above 2,500 PPM.  Compare to 400 PPM today.

During the Mesozoic era, the temperature was at least 8C hotter, on average than today.  At least 14F for my US readers.

Rather than being detrimental to life, this peak in atmospheric CO2 and temperatures coincided with the greatest eruption of life the Earth has ever experienced.  This period produced almost all of the modern plant and animal forms we know today.

There is a cabal from the left, trying to convince the sheeple that the world is in dire danger if CO2 levels go up from 400 PPM to 450 PPM, and the temperature rises by 2C on average world-wide.

Take a look at the video below to understand what the terrible noxious CO2 pollution can do to plant life.

Keep in mind that the largest explosion of new life on earth occurred when CO2 concentrations exceeded 2000 PPM.  

While the end of world warnings from today are referencing an increase from 400 PPM to 450 PPM.


So what is all the noise about from environmentalists and the left on "global warming" and "climate change"?

This is really an anti-capitalist cabal that is trying to impose a global carbon tax as their ultimate goal.  A new global carbon tax is a new revenue source that would support new and expanding socialist programs, to further capture and enslave the sheeple that aren't smart enough to understand science.

Questions from the liberals, how you should answer, and the question you need to ask back.

1. Do you believe in global warming?  YES!!    

Do you understand that temperature was more than 10F hotter on average in the past?

2. Do you believe in climate change?  YES !!   

Do you understand that climate cycles on earth span millions of years, not just 100's of years?

3. Do you believe CO2 increases in the last 100 years are man-made?  PROBABLY YES !!  Certainly mankind has been a contributor to the CO2 increases that have occured in the last 100 years.   

Do you understand that CO2 levels were more than 2000 PPM during the time when most new life on Earth emerged?

4. Do you believe that CO2 is a noxious pollutant that must be controlled at any cost, else life on earth could end?  NO!!

Do you understand that increasing CO2 levels will be a very positive factor in increasing plant growth, that will help feed the billions of humans that are going to need to be fed in the next centuries?

The global warming and climate change shills from the left do NOT have science on their side.  They are trying to scare the sheeple, stampede the sheeple, into agreeing to yet one more form of taxation that would be used by the all-wise central authorities to develop more entitlement programs.

Don't be a sheeple !!  

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