Flint water crisis is destroying lives, babies dying literally

Babies are dying in Flint and the government of Michigan let this happen

Although officials had seen serious health problems in Flint such as a wave of Legionnaires' disease outbreaks in 2014 and 2015, no public warning was issued until early 2016. As a result, a number of Michigan officials now face criminal charges ranging from involuntary manslaughter to misconduct in office to obstruction of justice.

According to the article there is now a higher infant mortality rate and lower birth rate in Flint. The Flint water crisis is an example of failure of authority, and shows the problem with putting too much faith in centralized authority. If only there were was for people to mobilize to save themselves and each other even when the central authority fails...

On a side note, does this open a window of opportunity for anarchists to fly into Flint Michigan to promote a new ideology and way of thinking? As I always say I am politically agnostic, but I would think situations like these create opportunities for people who take an anti-government or anti-authority stance in terms of world view.

What can people do about this to hold the irresponsible authorities accountable and to prevent something like this from ever happening again on American soil?


West Virginia University. (2017, September 22). Flint's water crisis led to fewer babies and higher fetal death rates, researchers find. ScienceDaily. Retrieved September 23, 2017 from www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/09/170922091626.htm

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