Nostradamus Predictions 2016 for USA: The great shameless, audacious bawler.

  •  It must be said, Nostradamus has been right about a number of things. But did he really predict Republican candidate Donald Trump to win the November 8 election? 

 When there are major events happening in the world, people especially followers seek the help of Nostradamus predictions. And today, people from different parts of the globe are closely keeping track on one of the world’s biggest event this year. The US elections voting is finally here and just in a few hours, the whole world will find out who will be the next United States President.

  • According to Nostradamus Predictions, Who Will Win?

In a previous report, Nostradamus predictions suggest that Donald Trump will win the elections.  “The great shameless, audacious bawler. He will be elected governor of the army: The boldness of his contention. The bridge broken, the city faint from fear,” Nostradamus wrote in Century III, Quatrain 81. 

 Nostradamus Predictions 2016 reveals a Donald Trump win in the November 9 elections.A documentary by the History Channel cites several prophecies from the book The Prophecies as alluding to the US 2016 Presidential Elections. The History Channelspecial titled Nostradamus: Election 2016 aired on Sunday, November 6. 


  • Nostradamus Predictions 2016: Other advocates says Nostradamus foretells a Hillary Clinton win

However, other Nostradamus believers say Clinton and not Trump, will win the election.In his book Nostradamus: The Complete Prophecies for the Future, author Mario Reading interprets Century VIII, Quatrain15, as a prediction for a Clinton victory in the US Presidential Elections. The book published in 2006 features a timeline of events that take place between 2001 and 7074.The Quatrain states, “The Masculine woman will exert herself to the north. She will annoy nearly all of Europe and the rest of the world. Two failures will put her in such an imbalance; That both life and death will strengthen eastern Europe.”But Reading, one of the world’s renowned experts on Nostradamus, points to 2015 as the year of Clinton’s victory. 


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