Venezuela: floods and abandonment.

7 States of Venezuela flooded

Presidential chains of radio and television are made daily and little or nothing is said about the situation of the states affected by the rains due to the constant rains in Venezuela, all of them in a state of emergency since August 5, the number affected was 3,200 families nationwide which leaves a gap in the real number of people affected.

Government Offers a balance without number of affected

This Tuesday, the National Government offered a balance of the attention it provides to those affected by the rains, which have been recorded in recent days in the states of Amazonas, Apure, Guarico, Anzoategui, Bolivar and Delta Amacuro reviewed Panorama.
The activity was chaired by the Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez, in the company of the Minister of Relations, Interior, Justice and Peace, Néstor Reverol.

"In the states of Amazonas and Bolívar there are Civil Protection personnel to attend to any inconvenience that may arise with the rains and floods. Already these states have been sent more than 90 tons in aid: medicines, food, household goods, sheets, let it be known that there is a government serving the people, "said Rodriguez.

Meanwhile the reality is this

The rains registered in the south of the country and the floods of rivers like the Orinoco and Caroni, which have surpassed historical levels, the Apure, Bolivar, Delta Amacuro, Guárico, Monagas and Táchira states were declared on red alert.

Bolivar state

The state of Bolívar is another of the Venezuelan states in the south of the country that have suffered the ravages and floods of the Orinoco, Caroní and Caura rivers since the end of July.

The number of affected exceeds 14 thousand and although the government of Nicolás Maduro activated the emergency alert after almost three weeks of silence there are still areas where the Chavismo flag is invisible, so many citizens claim their presence.

Apure State

The parish of Puerto Páez state Apure in a state of emergency. There are many houses that are under water and there are many people who are affected, 8,000 and 7,000 individuals. Officials of the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB), National Police (PN), Civil Protection, have helped the citizens, but they are not enough. Villagers demanded immediate answers to the government of Nicolás Maduro.

Delta Amacuro State

In Delta Amacuro, indigenous communities are also affected by the Orinoco flood.

Monagas State

To 18 days of the flood of the Orinoco river, that flooded 29 sectors of the municipality Sotillo, located to the south of the Monagas state, the Governorate assists to the 739 families that have been affected by the contingency.

Personal opinion

The Maduro government has concentrated all its efforts in the last few weeks on the supposed attack, the monetary reconversion and the use of the country's card for the supply of gasoline, leaving aside the great needs of the people.

These emergencies are samples of a problem that attacks Venezuelan society I can not blame the government for the floods because they are issues of nature, but in certain states if you can question the abandonment of sewer systems, the lack of investment in planning projects to avoid risk situations for the population.

The duty is to concentrate what really affects the Venezuelan and not in their own interests that are the daily sample of the Government of Nicolas Maduro, ok is looking for solutions for the economic problem but let's not leave aside these emergencies, it would be better to make a parenthesis and assist this affected population showing signs of a moral change that Venezuela so badly needs.


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