trudope silent on murder of 13 year old chinese girl

so i guess Chinese Canadians don't rank high enough on our embarrasment of a prime minister's victim/sjw hierarchy. A military age, single male "syrian refugee" (which dickhead swore he would not allow in and would be vetted heavily btw) murdered a 13 year old Chinese Canadian girl.

There is nothing but silence from the prime minister. not a peep. not a sound. not even condolences for the family. he is a disgrace!! he couldn't tweet support for the muslim girl who supposedly had her hijab cut by an "asian man" with scissors and showed his usual virtue signalling outrage. Of course, it was a total hoax!!! But in typical fashion of this boy prime minister, he said nothing. he didn't retract his tweet. he didn't apologize for jumping the gun. nothing. he is incredibly fast to feign outrage when it suits his sjw agenda but he never accepts blame for his (myriad) mistakes. again, he is a fucking disgrace and laughing stock. The world knows what a fool he is and he is devastating canada's reputation around the world. China refers to him as "little potato" and one can only imagine what alpha male Trump thinks of the soy-boy pm. dear god, please let us dump this spoiled twit before he completely destroys what's left of our once great country.

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