A concerned Canadian

So it's -40 out,
It feels like the cold just won't stop, and as I'm putting on my socks to head out to the deep freeze and start my day, I realize I have a giant hole in my sock!!!!!
Instantly I'm totally pissed off,
Not because of the whole in sock.
Nope I'm pissed cause we have a prime minister who thinks it's cool to wear little kid socks!!!!!
That's it my day is ruined again already because we have a prime minister who in my opinion is a complete idiot.

So now what, it's been 2 plus years of this clown in the big seat and me being the guy I am have come to realize, some one has to fix this, change it, do something!!!

And I'm not talking about another Conservative party, NDP party, pertision on Facebook,
Millions of us Canadians have been doing that, and I'm telling you it don't work!!!
So what then, what do we do??
Well first of all we need to wake up and realize our government is full of lifetime politicians who are not making decisions based on what's best for Canada, but rather themselves, and there careers.
This has to stop!!!
Second we to think big!!!
I say big meaning that we most definitely need to realize that Trudeau is a just a puppet of some secret society or something that doesn't have Canada's best interest in mind.
These ppl need to be identified and stopped!!!

We the ppl need to stop turning to the government to look after us and help us get through life!!!
Our government is totally outta control in so many ways my head spins when I think about it!!

So now what??
What do we do Canada to fix this???
Well like any big job, just get started, and don't stop till it's done, no matter what!!!

So let's do it Canada, all of us!!
Brown/white, big and small!!
We need to put our differences aside and work together on the same team and get started!!!!

So I'm getting started by writing this letter to Canadians, spread it around, Facebook, u tube, Instagram, Snapchat, twitter every where!!!

Something has to be done. I'm not saying I have all the answers, nor am I the best person to lead the fight, but I'm willing to try the only way I know how at the moment.
So if you believe that Canada could and should be the best place to live on earth,
Share this everywhere!!!
Don't be afraid of nothing!!

We haven't lost yet Canada, but if don't start fighting back soon, I'm afraid to say it's goodbye Canada!!!

A proud Canada with a concern,
Kevin Martin


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