Should the US government be a block chain situation?

Should the US government be a block chain situation? Clearly the Corny high school ra ra ra popularity contest carnival barker sideshow hustler see who can trick the most dumb people the fastest . With somany dummies who cant even comprehend the basic concept of money equals power . And Fall for the tired race baiting tricks that big city hustlers have been using on ignorant Rural people for Hundreds of years. Easily manipulated by commercials and beer ads and waving around pieces of fabric. Could the block chain fix some of our problems could individuals who are uneducated on a subject be forbidden from voting on those subjects could we not make a test to be a voter just like we have to be a driver is there not danger in the voting process can we not have a test for each and every individual working with in the government could the block chain correct much of that? Could it filter out The minds that are destroying all of our futures including their own?Could the block chain make obsolete so much pimping and pandering within our government so many payoffs and shady deals? Could its elegant simplicity circumvent all of the stupidity all of the corruption That comes with centralized power? Could it decentralize the power and therefore maximize intelligence so that the mass of stupidity that exists does not destroy itself and us along with it?

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