The Australian Government is a joke


So it turns out that half (hyperbole) our parliament is made up of foreigners, wtf?!

So, to be elected to the parliament of Australia, to represent the people of Australia, you must a citizen of Australia, and of no other country. Makes sense right? Loyalties and all, but it turns out a whole bunch of our politicians were too lazy to read the Constitution and check their own nationality before trying to represent the people of Australia. At LEAST 6 of them, quite possibly more either have dual citizenship or are entitled to it.

There is MAJOR media attention about this right now and it may even result in early elections, but in all the reporting I have read, I have not seen any commentary about why we even allow dual citizenship.

It seems to me it is akin to polygamous marriage, you can't truely be loyal to more than one country, just as you cannot be loyal to more than one person at a time.

The hoped for solution from the Government is for our High Court to 'interperet' the clause in the Constitution to absolve these idiots, when the elephant in the room is to abolish dual citizenship completely and insist that your renounce all other loyalties when you join us.

It is as simple as that.

We are a nation of immigrants, so it would be outrageous to restrict representation to native born, but to expect undivided loyalty to ONE country is not to much too ask.

Thanks for listening to my opinion.

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