Classical Liberalism 101: A Victory for Patriots! -- UPDATE!

Almost two weeks ago, I posted about some of the history leading up to and the aftermath of the patriot rancher movement in the US and its struggles with the federal government, and particularly the Bureau of Land Management -- a division of the Department of the Interior. There are both good and bad (and sad?) news items that have recently come up.

First, a rather humorous piece, originally posted in the comments of my previous story above.

Next, finally, some great news! After having been granted a mistrial 2 weeks ago, the Bundys were released "with prejudice," meaning that the federal government is not allowed to retry them! They are walking free!!!

Bundys freed.jpg

Now, the bad news. The war on those in involved in this particular movement to defend private property against the encroachments of government has not stopped. This week, one of the ranchers in Oregon left his hometown (on his horse, to get word out) to travel to Lompoc, California, where he will serve a year and a day in prison for his role in the Oregon affair. (Predictably, perhaps, the judge -- after finding out he was riding his horse -- sent him to a different, out-of-state prison than the one he was originally supposed to serve time in! What a joke :D) We can still hope he gets released early for good behavior, though.

Let us not also forget that every one of LaVoy Finicum's murderers (each a federal agent) is walking around free today.

So, we have reason to be hopeful for the future, but also to be diligent in the present. Happy New Year, to all of you out there who want to take over the world -- and leave it alone!!!

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