Classical Liberalism 101: A Distinction

I personally consider myself both a classical liberal (hence the name of this series) and a libertarian, though perhaps tending towards minarchist, rather than purely anarchist views, as I believe there are three legitimate roles of government: policing, legislating, and protecting the nation from foreign invasion, more or less. I think, however, that I may have discovered a link that both anarchists and minarchists can agree on. I can only call myself a minarchist if the government is by the consent of the people. And if it is by the consent of the people, then it is voluntary association, and could hardly be called (or recognized under the term) government.


Anyway, please read this article, which gives a pretty good definition of Classical Liberalism. What do you peeps out there think? Libertarians, classical liberals, anarchists, centrists, statists? Comment below!

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