A Better Nigeria

“ No matter who you are or where you may be , you can do something to change the world for the better. ” – Dr . Edward L. Kramer


Everyone wants change but no one is willing to change. How would change be possible?? Change begins with you..... One must not be a politician before he can bring about change,you could start preaching change from your family, no wonder the family is the first stage of socialisation.

when a child is born,he has to be taught moral values of his society so he wouldn't turn out to be a nuisance to his society ,he has to be taught how to appreciate his country no matter where he finds himself no wonder the Bible in

Proverbs 22 vs 6 says

Train up a child in the ways he should grow so that when he gets old he would not depart from it

Every individual has a role to play in making Nigeria a better place, it shouldn't be left for our leaders alone.

We are Nigerians and we make up Nigeria, so we should join our hands together to make Nigeria a better place for Nigerians


Solution to the Problem of Nigerian politics

In every political system, There are always two groups that exist. The Liberal and the conservatives. The Liberals believe in change, change in administration while the conservatives believe that the already existing rules, regulations, policies and even the current administration remains. I understand that the Conservatives are always the ruling administration and Liberals, the opposition parties.
Now, let's take a walk down to Nigeria...., a country that practice a multi-party system. The Current administration in Nigeria is led by APC.


Now it is obvious that APC are the conservatives while PDP are the Liberal.
Nigeria's present economy is weak, and this could be corrected by the present administration, It's would be wise, if APC operates as a pure conservatives, maintain the already existing Policies, Sectors, agencies, and Ministries. Let the Arms and ties of Government be properly monitored and managed. Let the Principle of Federal character be upheld, The civil servants should be paid properly, Youths should be given meaningful empowerment.


In as much as Nigeria do more of import, Importation should be ruducued, let's embrace and appreciate the local made products..... The education Sector should also be scrutinized properly. Now, Appointments should be given on merit, An individual should be given appointments base on the academic qualifications, an individual who studied Physical and health Education should be the person to be Minister of Sports and this should be applicable to other Ministries too. when all these are applied, We would have a better Nigeria.

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