Murica and North Korea - WTF?

In case you haven't noticed, we seem to be dangerously close to nuclear war - more than ever in the last day or so.


Now, are North Korea actually dangerous, are they actually a credible threat? Look at the mainstream media and it certainly seems that way. However we need to dig a little deeper.

After reading all the terrifying news headlines, which deliver plenty of fear but not much information, I decided to look at what North Korea ACTUALLY said.

After some digging I eventually found what I was looking for. Funnily enough though, even when searching for 'North Korea full official statement 8 August 2017', Google only brought up mainstream media sites. If it's so cut and dry, make the statement easier to find!

Anyway, here it is:





I don't know about you, but other than the strange wording and way of speaking - it doesn't sound so threatening. Basically - the US are behaving in a threatening manner and North Korea are asking them not to, in order to avoid conflict. Also a refusal to disarm for security fears due to US provocation and aggression.

I'm not convinced North Korea are a credible threat. Even if they have nuclear capability with the ability to hit the US (which is highly unlikely - I mean the country is sanctioned up the arse - where is the money coming from?), why would they actually do it? It would be suicide, the US would hammer them in an instant. Similarly, why would they give up the weapons (if they have them)? Again, suicide.

Then we're at a stalemate, exactly where we are now.

So what happens?


Personally I think the US should leave them alone. How can the only nation who've ever used nuclear weapons be assigned the power to decide who else can have them? It's insanity. The US having their own puppet in power is not worth causing WW3 - but perhaps that's exactly what they want.

It's that quote again...

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

Link to statement article -

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