AUSSIE GOVERNMENT HITS THE WALL!! A constitutional crisis is underway..

G'day everyone!

my name is Shannon and I'm an Australian, a Libertarian and have been following politics for many years, i love my country but there has been much upheaval over the last ten years. I will do a quick overview and then get to the current dilemma

Since 2007 Australia has seen 3 soft coups of Prime Ministerial leadership, The people's man, Kevin Rudd was overthrown in a late night backroom meeting by the labor party senior members and Fabian Socialist Julia Gillard took over for a short time and was supported by a man called Bill Shorten (who incidentally is now the current leader of the Australian Labor Party, but we will get to that). The reason for this coup was that senior members where getting increasingly angry that PM Kevin Rudd had them working all hours of the day and night, was pushing policies too hard and fast (yea he actually made things move in politics, how horrible) and the real killer was the 60% mining tax. Even though he was probably one of Australia's most loved leaders the senior 'faceless men' dumped him and put in Julia Gillard.

Below: People's favourite PM Kevin Rudd

Below: Fabian Socialist, dual citizen and lawyer Julia Gillard Takes over from Kevin Rudd, she actually did a few good things and had some good ideas, when she tried to build on them, she got dumped for Rudd again by the 'faceless men' of the labor party

This caused major betrayal and trust issues with the public. Imagine an entire population going to bed one night and the next morning they have a new Prime Minister emerge, no vote, no election and the stumping of a popular PM for an almost unknown person. Now Gillard had a major problem winning support back and the party was in deep trouble. We had an election and somehow she managed to win... well that didn't last too long because Kevin Rudd fought back and overthrew her and got his seat back only to lose in the following election. Then the labor party needed a new leader and having lost the election to the right wing party called "the Australian Liberal party" who are completely conservative had a new face called Tony Abbott.

Below: Another Dual Citizen and Australian PM Tony Abbott, later overthrown in his first year by Current PM Malcolm TurnBull

Well it wasn't long before Abbott began his own string of controversies such as his daughter skipping out on an expensive bond and screwing over the landlord of $1000's of bucks and then was basically told to shut up and deal with it. Then He was found protecting the interests of a pedophile in the catholic church (Abbot being a staunch catholic himself i believe). But the final straw was the fact that this new right wing PM awarded the Queen and Duke of England the top Medals of Australian awards on Australia Day. Not long after, a fellow front bench liberal called Malcom Turnbull, )who began his career as a lawyer of the now deceased Billionaire Media tycoon Kerry Packer, and also had his own Bank which he sold his interest in to Goldman Sachs) now became Australia's new favorite politico love boy.

With a personal worth of over $300 million bucks to help bankroll his running attack at PM Abbott, he went about to overthrow Abbott as PM after spending a lot of timer a few years earlier boasting he would never destroy or shame the Liberal Party the way the faceless men destroyed the Labor Party. So sure enough he overthrew Abbott in Australia's 3rd soft coup in under 5 years. Turnbull had his election and won, but he is now on shaky ground himself for more than a few simple reasons. The irony is, the two men who instigated the overthrow of 3 PM's combined now both sit in the leadership chairs of my beloved country. The two serpents are seated, Bill Shorten, leader of the faceless men of the Labor Party and Malcolm Turnbull, a good buddy to Goldman Sachs Bank and betrayer of public confidence.

Below: Current Australian PM Malcom Turnbull, self proclaimed Feminist, Former Lawyer and Bankster worth over $300 Million.

Below: Bill Shorten, Current opposition leader for the Australian Labor Party, leader of the faceless men who over threw Kevin Rudd (possible Fabian Socialist, formerly a BIG Unionist caught on the edge of a previous corruption scandal involving millions in bribes to union leaders etc.)

Which now brings me to our entire government about to hit the wall, literally. The Australian government could have a constitutional crisis on its hands around the issue of having both a senate and a parliament filled with dual citizen members. in the last two weeks there have been 3 senators resign and now our deputy Prime minister himself in the lower house and many others having to check their own status for legitimacy to sit in the rep's house. Section 44 of the Australian constitution bans any person with a dual citizenship from representing the Australian public as stated:

"Section 44(i) of the constitution states that a person under any acknowledgment of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or a citizen of a foreign power is disqualified to become a Senator or a Member of the Parliament. " -

Now with the potential of more than 20 members of parliament facing possible disqualification from sitting in the house of reps or the senate our country and government processes could become serverly buckled for a time until we get new reps and then go to yet another election. But all in all i see this as a good thing, because it now makes sense that with all the race debates over the last few years being used as political agendas its now no wonder so many pollies always came out and said "we are all immigrants to this country" . Well first of all, the majority of aussies have no problem with legal immigration and welcoming people from the world, but what we don't like is being deceived by our 'elected leaders' who are supposed to represent our interests. People we elect who sell off our assets to other multinational interests and so on. With a government representative body filled with dual citizens how can we trust that our nation is in good hands and protecting the interests of its own people first.

It could be argued that these politicians had no idea that they were dual citizens, but its hard to believe when we consider that whenever any person opens a bank account, applies for a driver license or any other type of activity that requires proof of age and identity, that these people have never once in their lives, applied for, read or even checked their own birth certificate!? are you kidding? not once in 40 or 50 years of their lives have they ever checked it, nor been told by their parents how they grew up, where they lived or how they came to a country? ever? Sorry not acceptable, nor believable.

At the end of the day, this current upheaval to our political system is a major problem for our country and may cause unforeseen instability in the short term, but we need to know who we are choosing to represent us. I have no idea what will be coming as this issue on such a large scale has never happened before, and there are ow a number of these cases going before the high court, with plenty more on the way. It will be interesting to see the outcome and perhaps this is just more karmic swing coming back to the leaders of a country they swore an oath to serve. On a final note its also interesting to note that two former mentioned PM's in this story also had dual citizenship, Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott.

What lies ahead for the Australian government and how the issue will be addressed is now in the spotlight and many Aussies, while not too bothered will be throwing a few extra shrimp on the barbecue with a cold beer and have a good chuckle as these political wankers try to unscrew themselves from the dartboard on their faces!
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cheers all.

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