The meeting between Kim and Trump is not straight forward as it looked

Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un share a historic moment in their first ever meeting, smiling as they shook their hands. As the clock ticks at 9, both of them walk towards each other and shook their hands before Trump gently put his hand on Jong-Un as they were taking pictures together in front of US and North Korea army in Capella Hotel, Sentosa Island, Singapore earlier today.

It was the first meeting ever happened between US and NK whereby both countries had a ‘closed door’ policy between them. In the beginning, both of them were cautious as this was their first meeting but as things progress both of them looks comfortable although it was Trump that was doing a lot of action. Nevertheless, both of them shows some sort of command in term of body language.

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The roadmap to have this meeting is not as easy as it looked today. Let's say this as a first date between a teenage boy and girl. If a girl surrenders to easy and meekly obeys the boyfriend, then the boy will not appreciate the girl as they feel the girl is too ‘easy’. Likewise, when Trump invites Kim for dialogue and if Kim immediately agrees then NK will sound so desperate and obliged to agree with all the terms and condition set by the US. The US was trying to pull out “Libya Model” before this meeting. Libya model is where US and Libya had a deal to shut down Libya nuclear weapon but subsequently, things did not go well for Libya as they could not defend themselves in NATO air strike and Gaddafi himself was dethroned by his own people.

Of course, Kim does not want history to repeat twice at least not on him. Hence why Kim went to seek ‘advice’ from China on 8 May and the week after that he threatens Trump to call of the dialogue between US and NK. Trump also does not want to sound desperate and he retaliates by sending out a letter to call off the meeting. However, the letter sound ‘open-ended’ whereby he still opens the room for discussion should Kim changes his mind. Having said that, Kim too wants the meeting to go on if not he will become China’s tool forever. But of course, Kim will not run begging to Trump to revive their meeting. Kim played the victim and met with South Korea President, Moon Jae in with the hope that Moon can be the middleman between NK and US. If Trump insists on not having the meeting, he will become the villain in the eyes of South Korea, their strong ally. Hence, on 1st Jun, he announced the meeting between US and NK will be held as planned on 12 Jun 2018.

Hopefully, this meeting can end the animosity for 7 decades between NK and US together with shutting down any nuclear military activities in Pyongyang.

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